Hows your Conquest map coming along? If this is in the wrong thread please move it. I was just wondering how everyones Conquest maps are going along for the forgeoff. Mine's going along smoothly, in fact, if I carry on at the rate I'm going it'll porbably be finshed by next wednesday leaving me plenty of time to test. I've done the bordering, the main, center structure, and I'm don't wanna give you too much of an idea so to you... that's all I've done. Dave the Rave52
I had an idea. I made it Foundry Designer and Google Sketchup. I don't think I am going to go through with it, though. If anyone would like to see the idea and/or use it, PM me. It basically a map that has turns and has an open are for the center. Sounds Good.
Sounds pretty snazzy, my mate made a conquest map in one night (could be bad map indicator), and he tested on a free for all... i was like wtf when he told me.
My map was just started today. I hope to use all 6 weeks to my advantage. I have a pretty amazing layout, so if I can pull it off it would be epic. ~forgegod117~
I'm bussy working on it, and it's not looking so bad so far, better than i imagined. It is figure 'U' and features a barrel of spinning wirespools that you walk through the center. Heres a very early shot, it will extend to the lower left with some unique ramps and stuff. It will be called meridian. Thanks for asking btw
i like the idea of the spining wire spools for aesthetics. mine i will start tonight. got a good idea, i want to focus more on the central territory since all the action happens there. the center will be interesting, i hope.
I tried to add some geomerged gravlifts last night but something wierd happened, I filmed it and its on my fileshare if you want to have a look. ABSOLUTWTFBBQ
I spand hours making everything perfect. In fact, I forged 3 hours for the first 5 doubleboxes. I need way more work.
Nonexistant... I havn't had the time to do one. My daily doings are really hard to schedule. Mainly because of our theater director. She schedules meetings and rehearsals the hour before they happen. But I still plan to get one done. The competition looks pretty agressive so far.
It's coming along good. Camo and I are making it. I have designed the map, he is doing geometry and I am doing weapons spawns etc. I'm debating weather I should give you guys a picture preview...? Weather or not it wins the contest, It's going to be a winning map for sure.
Yes pictures... i promise i wont steal you ideas... its not like im in the contest... or anything... yeah
well if its worth doing it worth doing right... thats my attitude even though sometimes I just really cba!
Shadow and I are forging together on this one and I gotta say it's going to be pretty unque by the looks of things. We're taking a step outside the box with some things to take gameplay to the next level as well as some aesthetics touches on Shadow's part.
*prepares for some Industrial Espionage* Yeah man im so excited about this contest everyone is coming out of the woodwork to build epic conquest maps i havnt been this excited for a contest since the deco contest a long time ago.
I've just started to get along with my map. I struggled getting a good start, but it's flowing and I have a good idea of how it's going to turn out. I have no idea how it will stand against the other maps. The aesthetics are pretty simple, and not very mind blowing, but I'm focusing on achieving the ultimate conquest experience which will play how conquest was always meant to be. Blood splattering madness with bodies spread across the floor =P
Me too man, although I'm not zealous enough to check on what others are doing. I'm excited because I get to show off things I've found in forge and ideas I've had for awhile now.