It's plain and the render is awkward and doesn't fit with the text or vice versa. The render is also blurred around the edges making it look weird. Colors don't match either.
The stock could be made into a vector which could probably be made into a better color scheme. Then it would fit.
Diz- No **** its plain. I made it that way. I used red and yellow as in communist flag. Fbu- I'm new to photoshoping renders and such, please explain.
its okay i guess but you could have done way more to it but i see what you are trying to get at here though with the communist flag but it would look epic if you made reznov red and yellow to but thats hard to do unless there is a filter that you can do that with and i think there is. p.s. try to fit all of stalingrad in and there and vendetta is only the name of the mission in WaW there was nothing else named vendetta anywas keep makin sigs and good luck
It would look 10x better if you cleaned up the smudging around the soilder, just smooth it out and make it look more like he belongs there instead of being cut and pasted there.
Penny- Do you know of a filter where I could do this? I only have PSE4, btw. Vendetta is a double meaning, Revznoz (?) had a vendetta going and its the Stalingrad level. I don't think it would look any better if all of Stalingrad was in there. Chrome- Read what I wrote for Penny on the text issue. There was no better res. Scar3- I don't get what you mean.
ehh, like people said, its very plain. Nothing pops out at us I suggest getting a better paintshop, or just learn how to use the one your using better. but until then, its not that great. Just looks like a beginners sig. Oh and im not ttrying to be mean, just giving you some tips =]
did u render the image? it's pretty good for a first try, but I'll make you a nice sig like that one if you send me the image u rendered