how would you geomerge sandbox

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Duckyz, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    has anybody got an idea of how because i dont trhing teres an item that pushes others into the ground

    if you knbow what i mean
  2. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    You can find a tutorial in Forging 101 here. The first part is what you are looking for, not the one on Avalanche.
  3. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    yes, you have to use the "old" merging technique.
  4. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    If you want to geomerge in the skybox you first have to overload the map with an extreme pile of trip mines.

    Once the gird disappears you just place the object at the angle you want and quit and save.

    Senior Member

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    There isn't way to merge on Sandbox unless you use the old way of merging. And, with all the objects they give us on Sandbox; I doubt we would even need to merge. It's sad that Bungie couldn't give us a door to help but, who cares? What are we going to do? For now all we can do is merge by doing it the much harder way of merging.
  6. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    The teardrop method also works perfectly with the sky bubble just so you all know, it probably work in the crypt and nomal level but i havent tested it yet
  7. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    ive herd a method about using a wall to push items into the ground
  8. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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  9. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Well, I don't know if I was the first to find it. Which I doubt I was, so don't flame me. But there is the middle part of the map, right? The one with the dunes around it. So, I have noticed that when forging a map in the middle section, that if you ever plan on geomerging bases so that they seem to stick out of the dunes. There is a glitch that allows you to geomerge boxes, and only boxes, out in the dunes. You just push the object at the sand, wiggle it around a bit, and then you can move it freely along the dunes, choosing the exact height you want it to be at. Sadly, this only works from the end of the gridding system on the middle tier to the little poles sticking out of the ground.

    So if you ever plan on geomerging in that small ring on the middle section, that gives you a taste of the dunes before getting blown up by the towers of doom. Then I suggest you use this way, less time consuming.

    Also, remember how we all used to geomerge boxes barely showing above the ground on Foundry to label the power weapons? Well when you geomerge an object into this dune area, and carry it over to the grid, the grid forces it underground. But you can still carry it. All you have to do is pull it up, and only part of it will show, providing a much easier way to show off power weapons then on Foundry.

    If nobody minds, then I think I'm going to make a tutorial on how to do this, just to get it out there. I dunno though, I suck at explaining things.
  10. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    yea go for it

    i realy dont understand what you mean but send me a link when your done
  11. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    You really have to go back to the old way of merging?! Goddammit Bungie!
  12. Evil Fatman

    Evil Fatman Ancient
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    A fourth level on sandbox and alternative to door pushing

    Im new to this site and new to forging so I apologize if this is old news or obvious to everyone else.

    I was able to penetrate the sky bubble and there is another unseen level there with a hard floor like the sky bubble you can place things on, but if you touch it you die.

    to reach it you need to geomerg a flat object through and place a transporter on it.

    The method I used to geomerge on sandbox was the same as the door method but I used transporter nodes, set at a level slightly lower than the hieght of the object to be merged.
    Make sure it's braced well or it will flip out literally.

    I'm sure a more experience forger will know more tricks to get things in strieght.
  13. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    in the crypt it is 100% necessary because boxes do not line up with the walls, thus leaving tiny little cracks where grenades can be lost etc along the walls of your map
  14. xjfisch25x

    xjfisch25x Ancient
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    Can anyone tell me how people used to merge before doors and /or do you have a link to a thread about merging without doors
  15. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
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    on sadbox you have stone bridges that , when i was playing today i noticed, they have a little 'merge' ability like the doors on foundry, if you do the same method you could get it into the ground so it looks neat, at least i should imagine thats what would happen, i dunno. if someone tries it send me a message telling me weather or not it works
    #15 JoshRicks, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009
  16. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i didnt do anything for me.
  17. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
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    just a theory... so we'll have to go back to the old way T .\_/.
  18. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    If you need help with old-school geomerging, follow this link. I have found that they easiest way to geomerge into the crypt walls is to place your object where you want it, then merge it one wall-length into each wall. I just tested and proved it last night. I was able to merge a double box along two axes at one time seamlessly, and I encountered no glitches. Just beware that you may have to merge a little bit farther in the corners because of the protruding orange-gold strip that is an extreme nuisance back there. I have not tried geomerging straight down, but I believe that it is necessary to flip anything that you are merging blue-dot-side up. People have encountered errors with save+quitting obejects when their blue dots are outside of the map, if I remember correctly.
  19. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    I just use interlocking. It actualy is just as easy, just interlock another box to the same height that you want the box to be, and then when you grab the box, the interlock will push it just like the doors
  20. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    Dow, did you actually test this out on Sandbox? If so, was the box's blue dot going into the ground?

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