I've created a map on hemorrhage with a total of 6 bases, 3 bases on each half of the map. It will be played with up to 6 teams. The Question: How would I use respawn zones to make it so if you begin on one half of the map, you respawn in any of the three bases on that half of the map? In halo 3, you could set respawn zones for one team that is playing at the time, such as "attackers" or "4th team." Now, in Reach, you have to set them to a specific team color. I imagine this may create a problem: The problem I don't want to run into during gameplay, is when I play a game with four teams, have 3 teams always spawn on one half of the map, and the remaining team always spawn on the other half. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
Just set the starting points team specific in whatever base they're supposed to be in, and then let that team's assigned respawn area cover all three bases. Or use anti-respawn zones to block the half of the map each team is not supposed to be on. So you'd assign the red team an anti-respawn zone in the blue base for example. Make sure all of your neutral team respawn zones are weak zones or they allow anybody to spawn in them.
Right, I figured I would put respawn zones over three bases, and assign them to a color. But like I said, I might run into a problem if I do it that way: The way I've got the map set up right now is this: red, orange, and yellow on one half; blue, purple, and green on the other half. what if I play a game with four teams: red, blue, purple, and green? wouldn't three teams spawn on one half, and one team spawn on the other? I guess my main question is, is there a way in reach to create respawn zones specific to your team number, rather than color? cuz then I can just create respawn zones, numbered 1-6, alternating them across the map. attackers, 3rd team, 5th team on one half; defenders, 4th team, and 6th team on the other half. I haven't tried this yet, but something just came to mind... would setting neutral respawn zones, with numbered "spawn sequence" (or whatever it's called) have the desired effect?
Hi Predator. My advice would be to start with the standards- Red and Blue, at opposite ends of the canyon. The next (Green) place next to Red. Orange goes next to Blue. Purple will go next to Red again, then Yellow next to Blue. This is the way Bungie's been doing it on their maps. Most of the time, the last 4 teams (Purple through Brown) won't have assault/CTF stands- they're only there for team slayer.
I guess I can settle for that, thanks. But IS THERE A WAY to do it halo 3 style, rather than colors? team numbers (defenders, 3rd team, etc) would be better.
The colors have replaced team numbers. You might want to use anti respawn areas because these would still allow a player on one of the other teams (pink and brown?) to respawn should there be some problem with teams. It's not anything serious, but the best practice is to make a map support as much as possible.
What everyone has been saying is in halo 3 attackers were the red team, Defenders were blue, 3rd team was green, ect, ect, ect. It's the same thing!
There's only so much you can do. Like I said, the most you can do is assume that red = team 1, blue = team 2, green = team 3, orange = team 4.. etc. If the players choose to mess that up- there's nothing you can do.
Basically you'll have to hope that people choose the first 4 teams, in a game with 4 teams (which they most likely will) There is no way to go back to Halo 3 style, sorry