I haven't read all 300 pages of sandbox comments so this may have been said, but I think this deserves its own thread. Sandbox is not only going to change the game, its going to change this site. This is in a way directed at the admins and mods, but the community shapes the site and should also imput ideas. This thread is about how Forge Hub should adapt to the completly changed game that will come about with the influx of people and maps that sandbox will bring. here are my ideas: we are going to need a new way of organizing the posted maps so that people can find what has been posted. The old system has served us well but with the influx of sandbox maps we are going to need some way of filtering maps. right now we have FORUMS- Halo Forge Maps >competitive >mlg >casual >race >mini game >aesthetic I think we should have a setup that does 2 things- 1-some system so that different maps can be found easier something that will tag each thread by the map (separating the 3 sandboxes as well) as well as tag it by style, competitive, mlg casual, ect... if these tags could show up to the map name in the way that mods can place CONQUEST, or NON-FOUNDRY in front of the threads now i think it would work well. An example thread name would be SKYBUBBLE-RACE- Indy 500 racetrack FOUNDRY-MLG- MLG BASIC ect... (it could go even farther to include symetry or universal gametypes as well) 2- We need a more robust map rating system. to seperate the "SanD BoX ZOMBBI3s ROX L338" maps from the feature worthy maps, or at least maps where people spawn properly. the 1-5 stars suck even when they are used, and threads with polls suck too. there are a couple problems with a rating system, there is no way to tell if people actualy put thought into the rating. I think that one way of seperating the good from the bad, would be to give a subform to all maps that have gone through the testers gulid and have been revised or for premium members who are known to make good maps. this at least shows that the makers of the map care it would be all the. this could be achived by having posters link to their testers gulid thread, and having a ceratain number of people rate the map a certain nuber of stars say 4+, at that point, mods could move the thread to the "upscale maps forum" maps that are great, but not feature worthy. sorry about the wall of text, it boils down to -better tagging system - seperate fourm for Upscale maps as decided by a set of rules including a better rating system.
that would be alot of work. consider that htere are about twenty new ,aps a day sometimes, and having to sort through all those maps. testing can take an hour usually, so the testers guild would have to dedictae alot of there rime to this, and most don't do there job anyway, so it is a good idea, but wouuld be hard to execute.
I don't think we will need anything new. The only new thing is more maps at one time. If you mean people's ideas, forging will be changed a lot and the people on this site will become more active IMO.
You guys can start by going back and tagging all your competitive maps with the new Pre-DLC, Heroic, Foundry, Legendary, Mythic and Sandbox prefixes. That'll help us immensely if we do decide to change things around in the map boards.
We're already discussing a revamp of the tagging system in staff to accommodate the change. Its not going to be this...specific. as that would need a mod (as in modification) to VBulletin methinks to add 2 tags to the beginning of a thread title...furthermore, once tags are added/changed, some staffmembers (namely shock) go through the entire map section to add these tags to the threads where they belong. So your system would require tons of work. We're trying to make it organized within a reasonable amount of time. and your map system thing for "upscale maps" its retarded and elitist. there I answered the question proposed by the title...
You can't submit a new thread without first selecting a prefix - if you try to, it'll throw you an error.
that's cool, i haven posted a map in the last few days so i haven't see that implemented. could you do more then 1 prefix? if so i dont think it would be too hard to implement my first idea for tagging threads. we don't necessarily have to go back through all of the maps and re tag them. you could ask people to, and it would help with some of them. as for my second idea being elitist: -we can all agree that there are some maps people are never going to download -we can all agree that there are more feature worthy maps then features I'm suggesting it as a means to sort through the clutter- everyone should be able to submit maps and get feedback, but alot of people just browse the map looking for some cool maps to download. I think this would be a meathod that would be like a "community feature forum" just some ideas, didnt want to make anyone mad...
Amen to that yes it is hard to get feedback on one of your first maps so Im just one of those cool map downloaders