I just found this on VGBoxart. ...and it is so good. Personally, I think its miles better than the real one, don't you agree?
I have a shirt with that picture on it. I believe it was much better than the actual box art, doesn't really bother me though cuz I have the Legendary Edition.
i like that one much better then i original, but like ty, i have the legendary edition so, i wouldn't have seen it anyway.
I remember when I first saw it several months before the game came out. When I learned what the actual art was, I was disappointed. Being the last, epic game in the series, I would have expected a more epic box art to go with it. It would have fit so much better. I got it too. But the box art is the same except it is in black and white. Sure you won't see it because it's in the sweet helmet but it is the same.
i just realized that they use this for the halo 3 essentials disc case. execpt in black and white so, its not as awesome.
I also saw this before the game release and was very disapoited they didn't choose it. Clearly it kick much more buttock than the real one. Actually I saw this one. this one looks different i think because its low quality and so lost some of the contrast in the colours, but I prefer it.
yeah, it looks a trillion times better, the actual one is kinda lame and boring, halo 1 and 2 both have action shots on the front, y change it for the 3rd
It's composure and feeling of it really. Like the one on it right now, is meant so it's kind of a dramatic last stand kind of cover. I prefer the one that we were shipped with.
There may be a reason why they didn't choose that picture. Money: Remember shortly afterwards they split up with microsoft. They had low budget while making the game.
Who said they had a low budget. Bungie left Microsoft after the game was released. That and how much money could a cover take?
I have a post that looks a lot like that. Maybe not the exact same picture, but it definitely resembles it.