I don't know either, but I'm only posting so that I can subscribe to this thread and find out. sorry to spam. Just a guess: Is that the thing where movable objects cause vibrations that set off a trap? If it isn't I can't help you, sorry.
Do you mean a zipline as in a player slides on the bottom of an object to make it to the other side? Or a long wire-like thing that are used in switches?
I think he was referring to Mastar's map, Zipline. Because it was an entry in the Lazy Mapmaker's Contest, he did not use interlocking, so I am thinking it must be a grav lift or mancannon placed at a precise angle inside an open box.
Click This that is mastar's map where he has an open double box with 2 grav lifts laying inside of it. The grav lift's effects go below it too, it has a sort of suction on the bottom. If this isn't what you wanted to know post and tell me
Its just gravlifts in an open box, not hard. p.s. Get ready to see a much better zipline than mastars in Stockade, which will be posted soon.
Spam. You do not have to post to subscribe. On Topic: It has been answered. You place an open box and put grav lifts in them. Diagram ____________ |^^^^^^^| |GRAVLIFTS.| ___________ -O /|\ -| ./\