How To: Vertical Fine Editing

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ColdAdam010, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. ColdAdam010

    ColdAdam010 Forerunner

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    So 343i decided to remove fine editing from forge. Therefore trying to stop graphic glitching from two different overlaying pieces can be a pain if you can't slightly raise the one over the other. I figured it out:

    How To:
    1. Enable magnets on the object that will be lower of the two objects.
    2. Adjust magent strength to low (or medium).
    3. For the object your trying to slightly raise above the other link it to the lower object.
    4.Once the magnets are linked slightly raise the piece above.
    5.When raised above to your liking let the object snap back to the magnet link, and press A as it does (to drop the object) -- Now this object is slowly going to move into line with its magnet as you grab and drop it. Allowing you to incrementally move the object height wise. (Just repeadetly grab the object and drop it).

    Happy Forging!
  2. Cryptic Ferret

    Cryptic Ferret Promethean

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    I just tap right bumper and A at pretty much the same time.
  3. Aeoss

    Aeoss Ancient
    Senior Member

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    RB+A learned that one back in Halo 3, and served excessively well in Reach to prevent (Dragon Ball) Z fighting.

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