How to take a Computer Screenshot

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DRiSCOLL, Aug 20, 2008.


    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hello everyone, im sure you have seen many tutorials or desktop background screenshots and wondered how to create them, well I am here to show you how.

    This is the windows vista version but it might work on others, im not really sure:

    ok, you start of by clicking start at the bottom left and than go to accessories. Now you click the snipping tool tab. It should look like this:


    keep in mind sometimes the backround has a grayish blur over it, if so then skip the next step
    Now once you have something similar to this click the new button on the snipping tool tab. You may notice the backround has a grayish blur over it, than you've done it right. Here is what it should look like:


    ok hope your still with me. Do NOT and i mean do not click the new button again if your screen looks like above because that will make the blur disappear and cause it to not work.
    Instead of your normal cursor you will have a crosshair shaped one. Now create a square over what you wont to caption, like so:


    A new tab should appear with your selected caption in it. you can than save it and upload it to image shack or whatever program you use.


    hope this tutorial has helped you because i put allot of time and effort into making it, it was not ripped or copied from any other websites, so enjoy it and feedback would be nice

    I realize some computers don't have this tool, don't panic. here's a substitute:

    Go to the page you wish to copy, than hit the prt sc key, located here:
    (not my keyboard by the way, i have a laptop)

    Now load up paint or gimp and right click>paste, there you go, its much quicker but limits you and you cannot select a part, instead you have the whole page.
    #1 DRiSCOLL, Aug 20, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2008
  2. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    For some reason, my comp doesn't havethe tool? Is there someplace I could download it?
    Nice tut BTW
  3. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you so much, this is exactly what I needed for some non-of-all-of-yours business.
  4. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    The "Prnt Scrn" button works too. You can hold "Alt" to capture only the open window. Then just paste it in MSPaint or PS or Gimp and save.

    Or is this not what you're doing?

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback guys, ive known how to do this for some time now and i thought ill help others, this tutorial did take some time because for example the picture of the red square i had to create myself in gimp because you cannot get a screenshot of that. Glad it helped you.

    I have aded this to the tutorial, i knew how to do this but i feel using my method is better but i realize not every one has the tool

    thanks everyone again
  6. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    Wow, it seems so much more complicated when you wrote it. Well, good for people who don't know what the Print Screen key does.
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    This is a pretty nice tool that I didn't know about, whilst print screen is cool, this makes it easier to capture a specific section rather than screen dumping, saving, then cropping yourself.

    It would be nice if you added the mac variant to your OP for those of us who use them. Its done by using the Grab application located in Utilities, and you have a lot of different capture options. I'd be happy to find or write a guide that you could add.
  8. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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