How to poop a powerup!!!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mista Skittles, May 3, 2008.

  1. Mista Skittles

    Mista Skittles Ancient
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    Props to COBpigeonhuntr for figuring this out himself and showing me it.

    This is'nt really forge discussion, but it's pretty cool and I wanted to let people know about it.

    This is a glitch that can be done if you're not connection host. What you do is (if you're not host) grab a piece of equipment (e.g.: bubble shield) and crouch slowly towards a powerup (like an overshield, or camo) while holding RB (sorta like you're switching equipment) if it works, you should drop the piece of equipment you were holding before and the powerup's effect shouldnt show. If it works, you can go switch the powerup for another bubble shield or some other piece of equipment and then you'll pick up the powerup right away. Another way to make the powerup come out of you, is to just die. This is fun to do in matchmaking, because when somebody kills you, an overshield spawns right where you died and they're all like: "WTF!":surprise:
    #1 Mista Skittles, May 3, 2008
    Last edited: May 3, 2008
  2. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    This has happened accidently to me before in matchmaking. I was playing a game of shotty snipers on Narrows and a guy comes from behind and a blow him away. As he dies the invisibilty he apparently picked up spawns in mid air where I killed and I picked it up. Unfortunately I couldn't capitalize off of it as I died a few seconds later.
  3. halo00178

    halo00178 Ancient
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    awsome! but im not always sure if i am or arent the connection host in matchmaking.
  4. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    1're kiddin me right?
  5. T3hFox

    T3hFox Ancient
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    This actually works, but it's nothing new.
  6. X Jado X

    X Jado X Ancient
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    Yeah it works. But your friend didn't find this out. It's been known for well over a month now.
  7. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    wow cool thanks for telling me i'll try out
  8. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    So are you saying that you can delay the activation of a power up?

    That's new to me...

  9. grubish360

    grubish360 Ancient
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    Thats sweet!
  10. TheSacredHatred

    TheSacredHatred Ancient
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    Oh my god...

    First of all, i am the finder of this glitch when halo 3 first came out, second, you dont leak this... my god, are you serious? stupid people that hear this go tell everyone, and then they go post it on and are like, "CAN I HAZ RECON?!" and then the bungie employeez are like. "No blacklist." and then they will fix the glitch. This is the major reason i did not leak this glitch when halo 3 first came out and i found this.
  11. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Ok. First of all, it's a neat glitch. Second of all, anyone who said they found this glitch first, is wrong, other people find this glitch and won't tell. That was directed more at TheSacredHatred. Also, don't be rude like you were. And anyways, it doesn't matter some people will use it, others won't care, and if they use it, the only one thats even a problem is the Overshield, because of the temporary invincibility, except for the fact that if he gets assassinated, it's over. Also, people would soon post this in Bungie, and if theres so many complaints about it, Bungie will fix it.
  12. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    you realize hatred that there is no credibility in that? and that anyone could have found this out? and on top of it all, bungie should fix a glitch as silly as this?


    that was wierd, i posted, then the page auto-refreshed and i saw jugg's post, haha
    Juggernaut likes this.
  13. TheSacredHatred

    TheSacredHatred Ancient
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    No, they shouldnt.

    First, I dont care if you believe me or not, thats not why im mad. I could care less about that, i dont want or need credit for finding this, i know i found it first and thats all that matters to me. Second, they shouldnt fix it because people can really enjoy this glitch while playing with friends and buddies in custom and forge games, and it takes time to do in matchmaking as well as practice and if you are killed before you can activate it, then the person who killed you gets the powerup, so tough luck for the dead guy. So its not really a glitch that needs to be fixed.
  14. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I'll respond with: Yes, it needs to be fixed, at least in matchmaking.
  15. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Like I've never heard that one yourself an explorer...I don't truly care one way or the other if you did discover this...All I do know is that there are two sides of the whole "this should be allowed/this shouldn't be allowed" thing...and I feel that it shouldn't be allowed, ie. fix the glitch! If my enemy won a close ass game because of some retarded glitch like that, i would be kinda upset...
  16. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Theres a parade outside,would you like to go rain on it?
    Seriously chill out,he didnt know it was already discovered,heck i didnt know and neither did half the people who'v posted.
    No one can claim a glitch or else you just get a sh***fest of "i did it first"
    And frankly getting PO'd becuase god forbid someone other than you might know about a glitch is being pretty dam selfish.
    And yes this could lead to some very cheap kills in MM.

    FIX IT!
    #16 Supa Midget, May 6, 2008
    Last edited: May 6, 2008
  17. halolover4549

    halolover4549 Ancient
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    thanks for the information
  18. TheSacredHatred

    TheSacredHatred Ancient
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    No, it cant really lead to cheap kills in matchmaking because to activate the powerup you have to be over another piece of equipment and what are the chances that when you are being attacked you are over a piece of equipment? not very likely. no need to be fixed to ruin the fun of people in custom and forge games, because they cant just fix a glitch in MM.
  19. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Who cares if people use it in custom games. If that happens in MM, I would get mad, angry even. I think I'll send a message to Luke or Franky and ask them to look into it.
  20. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    my point was that if im almost a 50 in something, then next thing you know on the game that will get me 50 i lose because of something already really unlikely, i would be infuriated...(you know half those 45-50 games are super close) i dont really think that it would be all that "fun" in forge/cg just get rid of it...

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