How to Play Infection

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jester, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    Jester's Guide to Fun Infection
    Hello, my name is Jester, and I'm here to share some thoughts on my favorite Halo 3 gametype, Infection.​

    Infection is a great gametype, but only under certain circumstances. Every die hard infection fan hates being stuck in a crappy game with some five-year-old who will never give up party leader and only puts on maps like "Omega Journey" and "Super high sky base with no way to win as zombies and infinite ammo for everybody!" So this are my suggestions to help you have the most hardcore infection experience ever!​

    Make your own party
    It's very easy to simply jump into any game of infection on your recent players list, and thats perfectly ok to do. But if you're hankering for some decent gameplay, well, if you want it done right, do it yourself! Some important things to remember when setting up your party:
    1) Set the maximum number of players to around 10. There is absoutly no infection game out there that requires 16 to play it, and by keeping the party number semi-small, it also enables you to play smaller infection maps too. Also, this eliminates allot of potential lag.
    2) KEEP THE PARTY OPEN! The open party is the lifeblood of infection! Without it, you will slowly lose players without gaining more. This ebb and flow will variate the gameplay as well, as new players with new ideas can join the fun.
    3) Never give up party leader. It is YOUR party because YOU made it. If some 5-year-old can't get over that, let him leave. If you have prepared your map collection well, it should not matter. If you absolutely must give up leader, use the fileshare method. If some whiner has only 8 slots and they're all full of stupid pictures, what's the chance this guys got a decent map?​

    When first starting your party, invite your pals and have them invite their pals. If you are still low on people, just start the game. Remember, "Playing Infection" is allot more appealing than "Waiting in Lobby."​

    Have a wide variety of maps
    Everyone loves their own maps, and they might be really good, but exclusively using your own maps will generate resentment in the party. I recommend inter juxtaposing a few old standards as well. Also, try to variate the style as well.​

    Different Infection Styles
    • Classic: Basically what you expect. Run around, find weapons, kill zombies. A few examples are "Township," "Bart's Manor" and my own "Grave Yard."​
    • Objective: These games require humans to travel to a specific location while fighting off zombies. The first thing that pops to mind is "Omega Journey" but my personal favorite is "Convoy Tunnel" by TrueDarkFusion.​
    • Fleeing: Run for your life! Zombies have some incredible advantage over humans, so humans must flee. Some example are "Hide n' Seek," "The Lost Chamber," and anything involving Sandtrap and warthogs.​
    • Survival: The ultimate test. Humans must unite or fall. Ammo is more scarce than usual, and some advantage the zombies have requires humans to hold out in certain areas. Some examples are "I am Legend," "Holdout Requiem," and my own "Pitch Black."​
    • Mini-game: Don't be afraid to throw something waky into the mix! Try "Jenga," "Duck Hunt," "Duel of the Fates," and Eyeless Sid's "Bunny Fo Fo."​
    A wide variety of maps with different playstyles is vital to keeping an infection party alive. If somebody in the party wants to add their map, DL it off their fileshare. If it's not there already, chances are it sucks.​

    My Favorite Infection Maps
    Convoy Tunnel by TrueDarkFusion
    Grave Yard by Jester LS and Eyeless Sid
    Holdout Requiem by RivalMass
    I am Legend (Revisited) by Time Glitch
    Bart's Manor by Sik
    Township v3 by Something.
    The Lost Chamber by TrueDarkFusion and Sargeant Sarcasm
    Pitch Black by Jester LS
    Duel of the Fates by ShockTheta and Insane54

    Manage your players
    If someone is being a jerk, boot them. If they keep coming back, close the party for a game, then open it when it's done. Being in your party isn't a right; its a privilege.​

    Make yourself known
    Personally, I am trying to establish a reputation for myself as the Master of Zombies ("You're falling fastah....obey your mastah" \m/(o_O)\m/ ). Let it be know that most of the time when you are on Halo, you'll be hosting the most kick ass infection mini TGIF evah! Accept friend invites from people who are nice and send out your own if they don't. But generally, just host the hell out of your party. I know I will.

    Send me a message if you want to hit up some hardcore infection.
    -Jester LS​
    #1 Jester, Sep 7, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2008
    Nan0teck, Wraith, IPokeNinjas and 3 others like this.
  2. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    Plus Rep to you for a very handy guide.

    I lol'd
  3. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    wow. your absolutly right on everything. to many times have i given up party lead to some retarded 9 year old, who puts up some stupid map, that has no interlocking, and was made in 5 minutes with no attention to respawns, also I HATE FAT KID. its the most boring thing ever, and all the maps for it suck anyway. and i'll check out a couple of those maps, can you give a link to them?
  4. Halostar317

    Halostar317 Ancient
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    How exactly do i change the party max to 10?
  5. CostlyAxis

    CostlyAxis Ancient
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    I did too. I hate that sky base on Sandtrap even if I'm the human with the sniper. It just gets stupid and boring, and you begin to feel bad for the zombie players.
    When changing the party to Invite Only, Open Party... press X again and you can change the party size limit.

    Overall, you've made a very good guide, and it's basically all true.
  6. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Great guide, Infection normally sucks in the wrong hands but this is some I would trust it with. Hopefully this will teach people how to fight off the legions of the un-dead, but fair. I was actually planing to make guide on how to make infection maps and gametypes, still not sure if I'm going to but this is a good guideline to tell little kids to stfu and go back to playing there fat kids and instant-kill-crap. +rep for one of the most true How to infections ever (IMO).
  7. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    I updated to add links to maps.
  8. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    I find that at times I do have to put the party to invite only though, when there is a healthy amount of players. Having players come in and out constantly can make the game lose its fun factor (especially when one guits because they got infected).

    And yay, you put mah map on there!
  9. IPokeNinjas

    IPokeNinjas Ancient
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    Well done, This is a well-written guide with a lot of handy tips to avoid 9-year old infection whores (No offense :D). The 16 player party on Omega Journey situation is just plain horrible, no-one knows how to limit party size or think properly! thats almost always an instant leave from me :p

    Btw if you want more friends for Customs Hit me up :) I'd appreciate it.
    Cheers, A6B.
  10. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    This is a great post and help alot.

    I'm glad you mentioned my map Holdout Requiem as I am trying to get more people to notice it. (Did you play it this last TGIF?)
  11. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    No, I saw the link in your sig, checked it out, loved it, then played it. Epic win map.
  12. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    Alright. But did you read my map description before playing because its important. Otherwise people stand in the back and keep trying to hop into the teleporters.

    We plyed it on TGIF and the people loved it so i think that it could be popular but i just need a way to get more peope to try it out
    #12 Oakly HiDef, Sep 7, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2008
  13. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    Ya i read the description and actually got a good game goin on it. Love the last area very industrial
  14. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    I ike the last area because it has a lot of options but when I play its usually with people who have no idea where to go or what to do.

    -They don't know about the armory, the elevator, or the lockable door

    It would be cool if every weekend there could be like a TGIF but only infection maps that are very fun and well made

    I bet you are getting a lot of +rep from this post
  15. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    That is an excellent guide on playing Infection. It makes obvious sense, but in a way that is presentable. You deserve good reputation for creating an excellent guide.

    Your next guide needs to be about how to create a good Infection map. Since Infection has vast amounts of potential, it might take a while, but it is possible.

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