How do I do this? I go into custom games, I out my map and my infection gametype in and it won't start because it says 'this map isn't compatible with the gametype'. How do I make it compatible? And another question, where are the zombie spawns, and the human spawns?
This took me forever to figure out. At first i loaded a map of Reflection and couldn't figure out what was different. eventually i started tearing the Reflection map apart and trying it out. I imagined that the problem would reside with spawning since the game should not have problems with vehicles, weapons scenery etc. So i started deleting everything in Reflection 1 section at a time. first the spawn area, then the initial loadout camera. Each time i deleted these i saved and tried under custom games and it still worked. So i figured it was not the spawns that was the issue. Then in Reflection i found one of the zones used in the Safe Haven variant and deleted all hill markers. Voila it was not compatible. Apparently Custom games wants your infection map to be compatible with ALL variants of infection, not just run from zombies noming your friends. Therefore, you need AT LEAST 1 Hill Marker, found under objectives, to be listed at inf_haven. to do this make a Hill Marker and go to the advanced settings and change the game label to inf_haven.
I've had this problem too and is there anything else besides safe havens that you need to place? Here's what I did: I set the options from basic editing to infection, I created 16 neutral spawn points, I made 16 starting points set to: red team (humans), true on game specific, and label to infection (I tried it with inf-spawn too). I also made 8 starting points set to: blue team (zombies), and otherwise the same as the humans. Also in the map I have 3 safe zones, a kill zone (inside the safe zone as a pit of doom), and 1 loadout camera for each team. (I didn't give those labels or game specifics). At one point I tried making a hill marker and set it to game specific true and tried infection, inf-spawn, and MAYBE inf-haven. So that might be the problem but might I need more spawn points, spawn areas, etc. as well?
i had the same problem bro, you have to make a safe haven for it to work on normal infection... i know it sounds stupid but its true.
Note: A minimum of one INF_HAVEN object is needed for Infection to function. A minimum of two INF_HAVENs are needed for Safe Havens to function without glitches. A minimum of two INF_HAVENs with bounding volumes (Shapes) with non-zero sizes are needed for Safe Havens to actually work. Note that any object can be made an INF_HAVEN and it'll work so long as it has a bounding volume. This includes vehicles, weapons, powerups, and grenades, and even more esoteric objects like Kill Balls. On a related note: if a Weapon-Haven is picked up, it will follow its carrier (but invisibly -- only their HUD will indicate that they're in the haven). If a Powerup-Haven or Nade-Haven is picked up, another Haven will become active. If a Vehicle-Haven dies and respawns before the Hill is Moved, the wreckage will still be the active Haven -- active Haven status will not shift to the new instance of the vehicle. Bounding volumes on each of these objects seem to function as expected, though I haven't tested if a Weapon-Haven being held by a player can protect other players within its volume (or if it only protects its carrier).
When will people start using the stickies?
Yo flamer, get your random flame out of here. This is for solving infection problems not for flaming on and on about random flames that no one cares about. Anyway, thanks guys for the help but there's only one problem I still have - the loadout cameras. I have 16 of them set to red team and 2 set to blue team, and I tried all the game type labels yet some players still see the empty parts of the map while some see through the cameras. The least tempermental label is regular infection, but does anyone know how to make them all work?
I'm behind FlamingArmadillo on this one. That link should have been posted in the first response and if everyone actually followed his advice then this thread wouldn't have been made in the first place. So, y'know, QFT:
you have to atleast place down one safe heaven for the survivors even if you never plan on ever playing a safe haven game. also zombie spawns need to be blue team and survivor spawns need to be red. Also have a few regular ones in case of betrayals.