I am attempting to make an arrow out of some teleporters by interlocking them with a wall so it shows up on the other side as an arrow. I keep getting the whole thing to show up, could someone enlighten me?
I Know. i had the same problem, you just have to interlock it so,so,so little that just the orange part is there. What I do is, put a wall right where the object (such as a box or wall) and then put a fence wall right by the wall and then plaee receiver of the teleporter up about 2 walls from the foundry ground. If you want me to help you on XBOX just PM me and I'll see what i can do if it is really confusing.
okay his was a little confusing let me try i use it alot here... okay u have a wall u want to make an arrow on... so u put a fence wall on the outside of the wall like this (fencewall)--> || <--- is the real one that is not just a guide(wall)... turn it of leave the other on... okay now only the fence wall is there... now put a window pannel on the inside of the two tho one is missing right now... then place a sender on it make sure it is pushed all the way against it spawn the wall now... it should be there if not pull it out or in depending on how far it is... make sense... if not add Boyle06 n i will try n help u sometime also PM so i no u want help... THX