okay b4 i start talking, plsss move this to the right category, if its not in the right one. and i need to learn how to make a simple arch on Foundry, without using too much room, a 3 piece arch would be good enough and i want to make it out of dbl. boxes.:happy:
Two upsidedown ramps, intelocked together? I have seen many fine examples of that in maps posted here on FH.
1 - Position a VIP point where you want the arch. 2 - Make a wall perpendicular to the arch, this will be used to place the boxes up against. 3 - Use the VIP point to reference where the arch is, place a box up against the wall, and repeat to the arch is done. Forge takes ingenuity and creativity, you will have to adapt this guide to how you want the arch. V - Arch not box you silly redneck.
He wants double boxes guyz. 1.Choose your spot 2. Place parallel double boxes like this: l l 3. Then interlock a double box facing like this:_into the upper part of them Good Luck FSC RedNeck
I think the best way to do it is use five single boxes for the arch itself and two double boxes for the base. See diagram.