This is how to make a Retarded Elite: (I am not the first to find this. I just thought it was funny) Step 1: Go Into Campaign, Level: Crows Nest (Must have AT LEAST 2 people) Step 2: Whoever is an elite/arbiter, DO NOT PICK UP A WEAPON (Stand on the stairs. Step 3: Have Master Cheif go throughout the level normally, quickly Step 4: When Master Cheif reaches a checkpoint, DO NOT MOVE!(if you go out the door or something, you will pick up a weapon) Step 5: Have master cheif keep going throughout the level. Step 6: Once He reaches the Next checkpoint, Do NOT leave that room. (dont go down the hallway, or walk out the door) Step 7: Have master cheif bring the elite(s) a turret(s) and at least 1 grenade (each) Step 8: (still in the room)Have the elite throw down the turret, and jump back, so it will be on the ground. (carefull not to pick up a weapon durring this time) Step 9: Crouch next to the turret (W/o picking it up) Step 10: Throw a grenade, right after you throw it(push left trigger) run up, so you grab the turret. Step 11: WALLA! A retarded Elite! xDDDD. Pictures Comming Soon! (P.s. Once you have the retarded elite, Push B, and he'll pose differently xD)
Or, you could watch this video. Nice way to copy CMNeir and not give him credit.