How to: Make a Retarded Elite!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by OMG Its Storm, Nov 30, 2008.

  1. OMG Its Storm

    OMG Its Storm Ancient
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    This is how to make a Retarded Elite:

    (I am not the first to find this. I just thought it was funny)

    Step 1: Go Into Campaign, Level: Crows Nest (Must have AT LEAST 2 people)
    Step 2: Whoever is an elite/arbiter, DO NOT PICK UP A WEAPON (Stand on the stairs.
    Step 3: Have Master Cheif go throughout the level normally, quickly
    Step 4: When Master Cheif reaches a checkpoint, DO NOT MOVE!(if you go out the door or something, you will pick up a weapon)
    Step 5: Have master cheif keep going throughout the level.
    Step 6: Once He reaches the Next checkpoint, Do NOT leave that room. (dont go down the hallway, or walk out the door)
    Step 7: Have master cheif bring the elite(s) a turret(s) and at least 1 grenade (each)
    Step 8: (still in the room)Have the elite throw down the turret, and jump back, so it will be on the ground. (carefull not to pick up a weapon durring this time)
    Step 9: Crouch next to the turret (W/o picking it up)
    Step 10: Throw a grenade, right after you throw it(push left trigger) run up, so you grab the turret.
    Step 11: WALLA! A retarded Elite! xDDDD.

    Pictures Comming Soon!

    (P.s. Once you have the retarded elite, Push B, and he'll pose differently xD)
    #1 OMG Its Storm, Nov 30, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2008
  2. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Any pictures?
  3. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Or, you could watch this video.

    Nice way to copy CMNeir and not give him credit.
  4. OMG Its Storm

    OMG Its Storm Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My friend just showed me this...

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