Hello! I was just wondering how traps can be made on Forge. I have made quite a few, including one where you shoot a mine and a kill ball comes rolling at you, and some others. Does anyone have any new mechanisms? Thanks!
Maybe a custom power holding a crate with a gravity lift pushing the crate and once some hits the CP the gravity lift pushes the crate crushing them.
<.< Okay, last post was only 5 days ago, so I hope this isn't considered a necro, lol. I'm curious as to how those of you who make traps (crushing/launching) hide the man-cannons? I've tried making a few different kinds, but they always end up being way too obvious. I've of course moved the man-cannons far enough away to hide most of the glow, but they're usually too weak to launch an object with lethal force. The only ones I've made and kept use mine-triggers, but ppl learn to avoid that beeping sound before too long. Any tips?
halo 3 the crate traps were more popular but in reach you can set it to one time use using a wire switch, when you walk close enough, it reactivates physics on the crate and launches it at you basically, put down a crate with place at start no and a respawn time of 5 or 10s behind it place a man cannon and put a narrow passage going in front, just put walls to hide the man cannon you can also do this in the floor as well except in the floor you can have a powerup (i dont know how far you can phase it in and still pick it up) and then it can be reusable, just place the powerup to instant respawn if you are going to use the power look it up for halo 3 you could use a fixed weapon you have to pick up to, but that will cause other glitches
I have done the fixed-weapon = grenade pin bit, but I didn't like how the box would start juking around right before somebody was close enough to grab it. You might have second thoughts if a crate looks like it's going to bust out of it's captivity and massacre you. Haven't tried using a powerup though, I'll give it a shot and see what the results are like. Also, just to clarify, I know how to build crate traps...I'm just looking for better ways of making them hidden. I currently have a video in my file share demonstrating the one I'm most proud of. Click on my sig and it'll take you there.
I prefer to hide the mancannon behind a wall so just enough is sticking out to push the crate. If you put crates next to it they should support it enough to keep it from wobbling noticably. Another random idea. Make a small dip in the floor and place a kill barrier to anyone who walks in dies. You could also use a combination of the advanced elevator and shield door trap to push anyone who goes into a certain area off the edge of a map, but like everything else it requires a special set of circumstances.
Oh wow, that is evil, lol. I love it though...can't believe I didn't think of that. I was using killzones profligately in my invasion map, but never thought to turn 'em into traps. The shield-door traps need work to be inconspicuous, but I admit that would be hilarious to see someone step into a door, pushed down a narrowing hallway right into a man-cannon, that launches them into the ocean. ^_^ oh the ideas are a-churning.
Have a vehicle on top of a teleporter that's set to vehicle only. The teleporter sends you underwater. Get in the teleporter and you DIE!!!
If you distance a shield door from a wall just right, it will suck them in and they will not be able to remove themselves from the wall(fly trap).