how do you do intant respawn, i am not sure how to do and help would be everso useful i mean people instantly respawning not objects
I must say, this wonderful site has a specific section called Forging 101 take a look, here's the link: Forging 101 - Forge Hub Halo Forums
I believe you are talking about objects, not people correct? If so, just click on the object that you want to instant respawn with the X button. Set the RUN TIME MINIMUM to the max. It basically means that so many of this particular object have to be on the map at any time. In this case all of them. So if one object of this type gets destroyed it instant respawns.
They are both wrong. He is correct. Only modded gametypes allow instant respawn. And if I were you I'd stay away from the modded gametypes lol, Bungie's banhammer is very powerfull. =P This thread can be locked now..