How to geomerge with fencewalls, found by Metallic Snake, Blood, idk...but yeah, shown to me by Metallic Snake
wow thats a lot faster than using doors. Great tut. I loved it and it will help me. It seems a lot faster too. 5/5
IMO its easier, a lot easier using doors. But thats MO. This is a good tut. tho, just incase i run out of doors. Thanks, this will help some people =]
Nice tutorial video, but I think you missed the fence wall positioning part of the demonstration when Metallic Snake showed us this the first time. He placed the fence wall on the back of the double box, not the side that goes into the ground, the part high in the air. And then, he made the box not spawn at start and grabbed the fence wall. He then pushed it closer to the ground as far as the box would be pushed into the ground. Oh well, it really wasn't that important anyway. Nice of you to capture this for him.
This can be done with any immovable objects. You can geomerge with a wall corner or bridge if you wanted to.
thanks for posting this, and quote this guy up here, its important to know its effectiveness and how to use it well. and also say that you can push it much farther then you just did, because when i demonstrated it to you, it went almost far enogh in to walk on, i could ride onto it with a mongoose. make sure you also state its just less accurate. Pros and Cons make people