Anybody know how? (the title says it all) I've tried from the techniques posted here, I've had people tell me I cant, and then some people still manage to geomerge in the crypt. I'm trying to get blue columns perfectly geomerged with the ground in Bull Dome DLX (signature), but I can't even get them partially in the ground.
You have to use the very old method of geomerging by interlocking a box into your object acting as the door that pushes your objects into stuff. It takes longer than using doors on foundry but it has a great outcome. The below quote is from Forging 101.
I know what you mean, I can geomerge on Sandbox, but I can't do it neatly (I can get it into the floor or wall, but no matter what i do, it comes out wonky) I used the guide above, but.. I dunno it just doesn't work for me. R
Set up braces on all sides just as you would with the door method. This "old method" is exactly the same as the door method, except that you are forced to manually interlock instead of using the door's auto-interlock feature to do the work for you.
I know how to do it, and I can I just can't do it neatly, I can put stuff inside the wall, but it just pushes through the teleports or mancannons I've used to brace R
Hmm...I've tried the top method, but I can use braces because I'm trying to get a small blue column on its side facing up geomerged with the ground completely (or at least mostly). I'll try to message the guy who made that map and see.