All right, well I'm doing this off memory because it's been a long time since i last attempted it. To start off you need at least 2 players (Local, Lan or XBL). Whether host can do it or not, I don't remember quite well. First, have you or your friend turn into a monitor and spawn an object (immovable of course). Move and position the object to your liking. Second, the other player that is a spartan/elite, take a sniper rifle (or any other 1 or 2 shot kill weapon) , and kill your friend. Simple as that. If all goes well, the object should remain in mid-air (with little to no movement) once the monitor dies/explodes. Please, feel free to comment back and explain if it did or did not work. P.S. This technique might only work on foundry as this where it first worked.
This seems incredibly tedious. I dont see it being very useful. The fact that you have to die and set up another controller just doesnt seem worth it.
its a good find but definitely not very useful unless your forging with a partner... I think i would rather save quite than do that...