Alright, I've FINALLY done it! I've figured out how to change* your profile name on while retaining your current Xbox Live gamertag intact. Alright, say my gamertag is: "Mister Awesome" but my Profile name (where your fileshare, all halo-related stats, and other information is routed to) is "Mister Lame". Obviously, I want to correct the situation and make my name also "Mister Awesome". This is harder than you would think, it's not a simple "Change this, do that." process, no, the process is ridiculously long for such a simple change, but depending on who is reading this, it may all be worth it. If the same Windows Live ID is associated with both a profile and Xbox LIVE gamertag, the two become linked. Say you want to change your profile name, but keep your current gamertag for your new profile, first, unlink your gamertag from your profile, you need to change the Windows Live ID associated to your gamertag. To do this, you must have another Windows Live ID to associate with your gamertag. I suggest to find a Windows Live ID that you also plan to use for your profile name, but that is not necessary. To create a new Windows Live ID, go to Welcome to Windows Live and click sign up. Once you have a WLID to swap, follow the instructions below. Power on your Xbox 360 console. Sign into Xbox LIVE with the gamertag linked to your profile. From My Xbox, go to your profile. Select Manage Account, Windows Live ID, and then Change Windows Live ID. Select Yes, you do have a Windows Live ID to swap. Enter the password for the current Windows Live ID just as if you were signing into your profile. Select continue and then input the login credentials for the new Windows Live ID to finish. At this point, go to and click the "Sign Up Now!" button at the upper right hand side of the screen. Enter your WLID and password into the appropriate fields Choose your recovery question Click continue the next page asks you to read the terms and conditions, re-enter your WLID and click continue The next page will be a rundown of why exactly needs you to consent to them accessing your Windows Live account information, click "I consent". Enter your new username** Re-enter your WLID Choose your Bungie related email preferences Agree to the terms and conditions and click "Create Account" Basically put: Your Xbox Live Gamertag is directly linked to your original Windows Live ID. Your Windows Live ID is directly linked to your Profile and finally, your profile name is directly linked back to your Xbox Live Gamertag. HOWEVER: Because Microsoft has no direct role in the workings of, when you change your WLID without going through the process highlighted above, you then have a your gamertag linked to your new WLID, and your old username linked with your old WLID which is also linked to your Gamertag, causing a confusing trifecta of HATE. Follow the process, and you'll have all of your accounts flowing together in a synchronous river of love. Also note: This could all be avoided had Bungie let us simply change our username on I've explained this the best I can, if there are any questions I'll try my best to answer them. But I am 99% positive that if you follow the guide above no problems will arise. *Your account name doesn't actually change, it's more of stripping your old account of your Xbox Live Gamertag and linking that to a new profile. **Choose wisely or you'll have to repeat this entire process.
Although this is not new to me (I did this before when I changed my gamertag), I have to say, nice write up.