1.Blue Tank 2.Blue Warthog 3.Lines 4.Flood Spartan LINK : HERE Here they are (they are in order as named a the top) : Spoiler And my best one of these kind : BTW I am coming out with a guide to show how to change colors for the cars if you don't know how to...Enjoy!!
Vehicle colors are cool and all... but dont use the word "SiC" in the description! ITS TRADEMARKED!!!! lol jk... cant wait for ur tut.
the blue vehicles look epic... cant wait for the tut. i just hope it's not something retarded-simple, like a power drain. ..ill feel stupid... btw nice pics! EDIT: i hit the link and noticed you had a glitched RED BR (emphasis on RED)held by a Spartan. Is that recreateable, cus if so, dubl EPIC.
you probably just have to put the vehicle in the right light. Kinda the same as the boxes on foundry when you put them in the back room tilted in a 45 degree angle
Just set them in the right lighting for an effect? Or maybe since they are reflective you set of a blue explosion near them.
IT looks really cool, and I can't wait to see it. It looks like just a power drain, but I don't know....