So Hushed Behemoth, Zatherla, Mock, and I were playing some Spartan Ops on the fortress (third mission episode 1.) We decided to see if we could get anywhere cool, breaking it Halo 2 and 3 style. We kind of accidentally the whole map. By the time this was over we had been under the terrain shooting up at the ground to make snow, way outside around the psychedelic goop on the level, and on the tallest rock in the level, affectionately named Pride Rock. I can't take pics because of the inability to go into theatre in spartan ops, but go explore around with jetpack, it's pretty incredible.We're looking for more as I type this on the cauldron. Feel free to post any cool spots you guys find here, I'm going to try to get pics via a capture card later. Edit: Found a spot on cauldron, go to the end of the level and jetpack out onto the rocks where you find the artifact. You can get quite a ways out. Edit 2: Also got inside the forerunner relic with the really bright light on it... somehow...
I had a weird occurrence on Shootout in Valhalla the other say. Fairly early on, before the Mantises are dropped off, somehow the Covenant forces (Grunts, Jackals, and Elites, all) getting dropped off by the drop pods were TINY. I'm talking the size of the Sniper Rifle reticle if I was looking at them at point-blank range. Their hit-boxes were tiny as hell, too, but their weapon damage and movement speed remained normal, making it VERY hard to kill the little bastards.
The thread is more for talking about breaking out of the spartan ops maps, but interesting glitch none the less. I think I've heard of people hitting that.
I've had this too, except i had it on the first "Galileo" mission, at first i thought it was a new kind of enemy, because I saw the needlers at full size and they looked like fish
I had a glitch during Ep2Ch1, I think. I was all but finished with the final half dozen or so enemies highlighted. My final enemy, a watcher, had glitched itself underneath the map. Mind you, this was also before I discovered you were able to modify loadouts mid-SPOPs because without any grenades I managed to find one spot where I could jet pack high enough to suicide. Respawned with Pro-Vision and naded the ever living **** out the thing. Luckily the explosion killed it and I didn't have to redo the chapter.
on the new episode from this week (5) on mission 3 i was just goofing off and decided to jump from top-mid platform onto the top of one of the phantoms. As it started to fly away, i began to slide off of it from the momentum. i tried to stay on, but i slipped off and landed on a high up rock area on the side of the map. i was like omg, but then i fell off. idk if you can explore further out there or not, but i figured id make a post about it so someone else will try it.
Titmar, you're so freakin' lazy. I did that in the campaign mission where you guide the massive elephant. I landed on a dropship accidentally and flew far off into the killbarriers and I was like; SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTT GET BACK 2 DE HEPHALUMP!! Then I survived.