What you need: Another account (Gold or silver(Gold works better)) Thats it. Ever ran out of space from that small 100 custom content limit? You go to save a map you've worked ages on and just can't because of it? Sign in your other account. Press start on that controller. Press Save as new Map... It's saved, but on the other account. So now you can end the game, delete something and save it again on your account.
Thanks, but I don't think I'll ever come close to 100 saved maps. I regularly delete maps I have no use for. I also never would of thought of that.
Just because I thought I'd let you know and has something to do with the subject. When you download DLC maps, they count towards custom content... So make sure you have the space for them, or they won't work =\ Doesn't happen for everyone though, Bungie said it was a glitch for some people. =]
Everything you download off of B.Net counts to the 100 Content limit. That includes images and videos.