Wow, so basicly, if you use a money glitched map, every item you delete towards the end gives you 20+ back? wow. This needs to be put into the 101.
Not with THIS glitch. I see the logic in this now... When you delete the object (with a maximum that high) then the game thinks that you can place that many more. Since the maximum goes from 20 to 0, it thinks, oh there is 20 less items, you can place more forger dude :squirrel_giggle: BUT it only works if you save n quit bc other wise it will recognize your evil scheme and stop it :squirrel_evil: SO we save and quit and stop the game from thinking and make it forget we ever had a plan... then we ROCK OUT :squirrel_rocking: and make kool maps and everyone in the world is happy :squirrel_grouphug: Note:Wow, this post started out as a normal me figuring out the logic, and became a children story... man thats messed up :squirrel_eyebrow:
ooh nice dude this s what i needed =D p.s.... this along with -> THE NEW UNLIMITED ITEM LIMIT <- and unlimited budget, there shall be no stopping us! omg where can i find this!!
This sounds really difficult and confusing. You lost me but the idea is really good since I always run out of walls.
So wait... If you accidentally run into the item limit where it says "There are too many of these on the map" and you can't place anything, all you need to do is delete something and you will be able to place more items? Is there a way to get around it if you save your map after it says that? Cause that's what I accidentally did...
Can somebody clarify a few things for me? 1. What is this "item limit"? I have to assume that it's not the limit of how many of each item you can have (e.g. 24 Double Boxes), but some other limit? 2. If it's not the conventional object limit (again, 24 DB's for instance), then what is the purpose of this glitch? I was under the impression that the unlimited Budget Glitch did everything except allow you to break the object limit. How can there be anything else to get past? 3. What is going on with the Unlimited Items glitch? Has anybody looked in to it? It's been treated as real in this thread, yet elsewhere people seem to say it was disproved a while ago.
The Item Limit is indeed different than the normal limit of individual Forge items. It's a combined total of scenery, weapons, equipment, spawns, respawn areas, and objective items. I'm not sure of the exact total, but you'll know it when you get to it. "Cannot place item. Too many objects on map." There have been a couple of pretty talented forgers from here that tried the Unlimited Items glitch to no avail. As far as I'm concerned it's b.s. Once you start in on the heavy budget glitching, you run the risk of major lag, similar to what you get when doing the constantly exploding fusion coils. It's why MLG doesn't take maps into consideration that use it.
I really wish I had seen this an hour earlier... I had to delete a lot of small scenery objects to get spawns onto my latest map. ****. I'm going to have to go back and use this technique.
So if i understand this may overcome the (total) item limit, but at the cost of possible lag? I believe i may have done this on accident a few times, but i am still not entirely sure how this works. In a previous post, someone said that deleting a lone object (with say 16 max, 1 placed on map) will trick H3 into believing 16 object spaces have been freed. You then quickly save & quit. Then you start up again. This all must be done before you hit the Item Limit message. Does anyone have a clear and tested (multiple times) explanation(With a well-based theory)?
This is very useful and as awesome as it is bungie put limits in for a reason without it someone could make a beatiful map that no one wants to play because of lag i think all forgers sould be careful using this and use it for those last weapons spawn points
I wish there was a way to do this without using the budget glitch. I have started some great looking maps, just to realize I don't have enough items with $400 dollars left. Anybody know how?