They sent me a "new unit" to replace my RRoD console. ...... yeah definately when I got it, it wouldn't play Halo 3. Whenever I'd try to start a level, it would say without playing a cutscene. "too many enemies nearby, waiting to respawn" with every level. Way to go with the "new unit" microsoft.
None and I hope to keep it that way! Its pissed me off already with scratching 2 of my disks both Guitar Hero 3! Never even moved it.
Re: RROD club I imagine they are better since they were released much later. I too got one very close to release and haven't gotten the lights of death yet. *Knocks on wood*. I am so glad I waited for the elite because I felt no rush to get a system with a risk of crashing and with hardly any good games at the time. I love not having to deal with it freezing, having to be cautious over hard drive memory left, and the sleek black look to it.
im really lucky and great full ive never got the rrod and i got my 360 only 3 months after it released thank you god
I've had it 3 times and im sick of it but this last time they sent me a new system but i am still dissapointed at their customer service its crap. They need to hire some english speaking people not these foriegners that barely speak the language and have attitudes all the time.
Personally my xbox has only crapped out on me once but it wasn't the RROD it was a failing DVD drive. And I have the 360 since launch. I guess I am just lucky, I hear the failure rate is 16-30%.
I've never gotten it, but that's because I keep mine in the most un-open/cluttered area in the world. I heard that if you keep on its side that it would be better than standing up and also keep it very open, don't have stuff by it. I don't do either and I've had mine since launch
ya you got the right idea, if it's in a stuffy area, the escaping heat will stay trapped and melt the hardware, causing an RROD
I've only had it once. Macrohard gave me a new console though, unfortunately they put my broken faceplate back on it It was just before Halo 3 was released, i had my Legendary Edition to sit and look at before i got my console back and could actually play it :squirrel_giggle:
But i'm stumped on how it hasn't gotten the RROD yet :squirrel_sad: It confuses me to how I don't because it is in a really really tight spot. its like there is only nuf room where its at for the 360 and thats it. it is so cramped that I am basicly anticipating it yet it shows no sign of failure...
i had it, a week after my warrenty expired, had to pay £80 to get it fixed, then it broke again, disk drive or something, but microsoft policy states that if 1 xbox has 2 errors u get it replaced. Iv got a new one and its been fine for 2 years.
Once, just a week before Halo 3 came out. The sad :squirrel_sad: part is, almost all of my friends had gotten it, and i had to endure 3 weeks of being left out.
First off, awesome pic. Made me crack up since I'm a fan of 2001: A Space Odyssey. I've gotten the RROD twice so far. The refurbished one died within two months. =/
I see a connection with the new models they ship you after it has broke, break sooner... 1 week, 2 weeks are the most common lifespan for the new ones... Hopefully mine doesn't break for another 50 years so I can show my grandchildren how low tech we are compared to their probably Virtual Reality Halo game.
recently, its been horrible, cocaine withdrawals x abillion but itll b back hopefully this week, andthat picture is pretty comical