I got my original 360 (premium) on launch day, and I suffered through three episodes of the red rings with that system. The last time that I sent it off for repairs, I got an HDMI capable unit in return (and a free month of XBL). I wound up selling that system to a friend and buying an Elite. So far I've had the new system for six months without any issues.
Never happened to me. I got it the month it came out (first release) and my warrenty wore off, and I haven't had any problems. Am I the only one...?
WOW!! A launch Xbox that hasen't had the RROD! :squirrel_wtf: THIS.......IS............AMAZING. lol. I'm surprised you've had such good luck. It would suck if it died the day after your warrenty wore out. lololololololololololol ~mackmack5
Never thankfully. Touch wood. the cool thing is that in Europe any electrical product automaticallly comes with 3 years warranty under EU Laws. Although not a lot of people know that *cockney voice*
No, your not the only one...i got my 360 on the first day and it hasnt had any problems yet...but im gettin scared now cuz my warranty went off a while ago =( *edit* really scared. Halo 3 is gettin messed up and a circle-like scratch is appearing on the disk...my friend thinks i have RROD, i just don't want to admit it = / but if warranty doesn't matter, that's great...
Don't they fix any Xbox with the RRoD whether or not it is still under warranty? I'm sure they do. I, myself haven't had it on my Halo Edition Xbox. Although, my brother's, which he got only a month or two after the release, just got the RRoD today. He did the "wrap it in blankets" trick and it works fine.
I had a launch it didnt RROD. Then the graphics card went so i guess thats worse That sucks yavi, i feel bad for you.
I'm on my forth, yes forth xbox 360.....the first two were RRoD....the third was a failed tray motor....and now I have the new 360 with the Falcon Chipset.....if I have to replace my 360 another time....I may implode....needless to say my warranty I bought at best buy was well worth its value.
Do you mean Knock On Wood? Is it bad that the first thing i thought of when you said this was 'Torchwood' but I live in America?
I have had it happen to me once. I didn't have a warranty and my 1 year warranty they gave me was out and they still took it back for free (Microsoft did). Call them on the phone. Anyways I know of ways to temporally get your 360 working for the time being while you are waiting for a box to come from microsoft or something. Take out all of the cords besides the power. Turn it on and wrap the 360 in a towel. Then wrap another towel around it to make sure it is completely covered. Leave it like that for around 15-30 minutes depending on what you feel like. Once done take it out of the towels plug everything back after a brief 5 min break with everything off and it will work again. I have done this before and it worked for me. I would go into details what it is doing but that doesn't really matter. I will just say the Microsoft uses very, very, very cheap materials to make the 360. The coolant or whatever they put on the inside of the 360 sooner or later will harden and cause the 360 to overheat. When you do the towel thing it remelts the coolant back onto the appliance seeming to make everything better again which it does temporally until the stuff dries again.
My first 360 that I bought in Apr. of '06 just RROD'd, luckily I have one that I bought in Oct. of last year that's got the HDMI and stuff. So hopefully it has the new chips and stuff that won't break on me.
I have had it twice... The first time they supposedly fixed it, but later broke again... so they sent me a new one which hasnt botherd me once
This is my fourth week without my 360, and the new one will be my third. After I get it back I'm going to see about getting a warrenty with someone who doesn't take two months to repair it.... I think I'm going through Halo withdrawal.... Tim