Notice that they said Mythic map pack is there last MAP PACK that doesn't mean that they won't continue to make indivisual maps like cold storage.
I think they might make one more map pack after Mythic, but if they don't, I still don't think the Mythic maps will be the last maps. Did they do this with Halo 2 (have DLC maps)?
Remember how Bungie stopped making maps for Halo 2, but then another company began making maps for the game? That could be the case here as well.
The IGN info states that assembly is being released seperatly, which i think in not true, this info my not be reliable. It also says that mythic and the 5th map pack is released the same day, which doesn't make sense. I actually hope this is true, because if it is we get assembly new years day!
Also, I'm 98% sure that Sandbox was confirmed to be in the next map pack. At least, that's what I've read on several threads. It would seem that it be the most strategic move by bungie as well. Halo 3 is starting to lose it's momentum, and by releasing sandbox next, it will bring back many people who in turn will buy the next map pack(s). Also, if the map in the vid is really sandbox, then we should be getting info around new years.
But IGN also can't count. According to them after the release of the Mythic Pack, the next map pack will be the 5th... Even if we counted the single maps as packs that wouldn't make sense! Unless, of course, Assembly is not going to be released separately. Then it would be the 5th pack.
Technically bungie clarified that cold storage was to be counted as part of the legendary maps, but it's your call I guess.
1st The game was 60 dollars, 2nd Holy crap that would hurt. Idk Honestly they will probably release alot of maps, maybe 2 or 3 after the mythic map pack. I hope its more though.
But I like all the maps. Just playing the game on a totally different landscape is awesome. It's not "just being able to kill people in different ways", is it?