About the time when Bungie announced that the Heroic maps would become free right before the next wave of DLC comes out they said that there would be a lot more Halo 3 DLC than their was for Halo 2. All I wnat for in the next map pack is a better less boring foundry. Mabey with a forge option that allows you to freeze objects in the air instead of saving and quiting. Also the ability to change the sizes of the bridges (in the same way you can change the KOTH size of the hill) so you can create maps in the air like Lockout without the struggle or lack of space. Plus this could easilly be Assembly. After Bungie revieled the pics it is observed that you can falloff the map. If their was plently of space over the edge than Lockout type maps could be very possable. Other than that mabeysome more new halo maps thatplay great and a couple remakes for halo 2. *cough* Turf and Ascention*cough*
What you are referring to is Assembly. Also, so the maps are coming out as a disc like you would buy at GameStop?
well in halo2 you could get them off live, but since not every one had live, they also made a disc you can use, so there gonna do something like that, either buy the disk, or get in on xbl
In the mythic map pack, there is something called "Moonbase Alpha". So you are with the wrong maps. But assemble is in it though. I think that Bungie announeced, they will come with more map, but not many more at all.
moonbase alpha is a codename, those names appear to be more official as they were leaked on a bungie display at pax. I'm guessing the final name is orbital.
It sounds more like citedal though. Moonbase's description sounds like your assaulting something and in this case a citedal.
all your discussion interesting and amusing but I have 1 question, HOW MUCH MAP PACKS WILL BUNGIE MAKE?
Possibly two but bungie is very lazy and may not make anymore map packs. Assembly is going to come out but I don't know if it will be released in a map pack or by itself (like cold storage).
I have one question what is the AI's is it the thing in red vs blue like delta or someting else? Also please join my new group Artistic Gamers League This is the group on forgehub when you click on it there will be a link in the comments to our main site on bungie.net.
4 and a half. Because they are rebels and they do what they want. And on a more serious note... there is no way for sure to know how many they will make. You can make your guess on how many. But we can only know how many they will release in time.
I think there will be probably 3 More Map Packs. Bonus Map Pack Mythic Map Pack Forunner Map Pack Halo 2 had 2 Free Maps on total. and 13 DLC Maps
theyll make them until people stop buying/playing them. They can make as many as they want and this could be what people said was the next halo game. People can change other peoples words accidentily (ever played the game telephone) Btw i hope sandbox is really cool but with all the cool foundry maps i hope that it doesn't steal foundrys thunder.
Here are my guesses Mythic Map pack: Assembly:= Purple Reign, the Covie map revealed at PAX, I went there, that could very well be the best map in Halo3, hell, even the entire Halo Trilogy. Orbital: Moonbase Alpha, A foreboding, deep space monument to the makers of the Shaw Fujikawa light speed drive (the thing that allows human ships to enter slipspace) Sandbox: The map that shall blow Foundry away. Forerunner or IWHBYD map pack: Longshore: I pray to god this is either Relic, Death Island, or Uplift Citadel: Ill bet this is a Ark Cartographer Style BTB map that you can fight in and around. Heretic: Possibly a Remake of Colosuss, or something along the lines of Halo 2s Library