dont forget all the custom game options for forged maps and firefight, the possibilities are endless with the new options.
Depends how good you are at it. Normally, kids get frustrated and go to CoD when they can't keep up with whats happening in a game of Halo. For people that aren't overwhelmed by it's awesomesauce, should probably stay for a few years. I will probably be playing for a long time.
Never. It will never stop being fun. Halo 3 still has millions of players almost 4 years after it's release, Halo PC still has plenty of players, and if Halo 2 were still alive (R.I.P.) there would still be tons of players. Reach is practically DESIGNED to last until the end of time. How can you get bored of it with the massive amount of customization - Forge World, Custom Games, Firefight, not to mention the DLC we'll see in the future. Reach is a game built not only by Bungie, but also by us, the community. And that's what will give Halo: Reach it's longevity.
For those of you saying "Until the next-gen consoles come." Are you forgetting about backwards compatibility? Halo: Reach will probably works on the next Xbox system. So I say it will last a loooooong time. At least 8-10 years, at LEAST. Reach is going to completely and utterly amazing.
I'll say it again... how can you even speculate about how long it will take to get sick of? the game isn't out yet. this thread is annoying
Best answer here. I was trying to think about it. Like seriously trying. And then I read this. GG my good sir.
Im not really sure if i believe this myself, but i think one of the aspects that kept me playing halo 3 was the new discoveries and new ideas and everything. I know there will be some in reach, but maybe not as many. Do we know too much for our own good? 0.0
Well I played Halo 2 until they disconnected the servers, and I still play Halo 3, and Reach is going to have firefight and forge world, so I'm gonna say a long time.