What the title says. I am interested to see the results and explanations.:squirrel_evil: I you picked other please say how long you think it should take
Could be three hours, bang the map you are happy with and is fun and your done. Typically, 15-20 hours of work..though. I usually spend a few weeks tinkering with maps before I call them "done". I guess it just takes until your completely satisfied and feel that theres nothing better u can do to improve you map.
This is really going to vary considerably from person to person based on any number of criteria, including skill, ingenuity, creativity and possibly most important of all... luck.
I put alot of thought into my maps, usually how it will work and have people to test it for me on my friendlist.
Well, because i picked the "other," i guess i owe you a wall of text. Ok, so, i mean, really, its all about the map. If you were gonna forge something on guardian lets say, that may take a few hours, and thats pushing it. Now, lets skip to something absolutely gigantic on foundry. That may take as much as a week or so! Really, it depends on the map. Even big maps like valhalla and sandtrap dont take too long to forge because there is no immovable objects or anything. Those maps are all about weapons and vechicles and maybe the odd crate or two.
Love it! lol That is going in the sig....oh wait it is already there! Ok I guess now I have to make a wall of text to make this post worth while... __________________________________________________________________ But really you are right about that warlord, it does matter the scenario you are in but all I am looking for is the AVERAGE time it takes you to make a map. Sorry I didn't make it clear in the question lol.
I think the important part that can take up real time is not building but rather thinking up a really original and fun idea
It should take as long as you make it be, its your choice to add and perfect things, for me any decent maps take me a few days of on off work.
Well, it really depends on how firmly the concept is imprinted in your mind. My midship remake probably took about 12 hours over 2 days of really getting started on it, including testing. But Triplex, a hugely complex map probably sucked about 50 hours of my life away.