Hi, I'm currently working on an ambitious project involving traps. The closest thing i've seen is a map where you either touch something to launch an object or touch a powerup to release an object. while this sounds okay, it got old quick for me. Are there any other better examples of trap based infection? What i'm working on currently is fully trap based. no armory, no fortress,no camping. I want it to be a cooperative experience and be continuously interesting. I have nothing to base this map off of though so if you peeps could give me any ideas, they would be appreciated. As for traps, don't worry, i've been working for like a month coming up with them so i don't need help in that department. they are literally the most complex traps i've ever seen or made.All of them are reusable and have instant gratification as in they are readily activated. most are accurate and reliable. If you want to recommend a trap, all it has to be is reusable, easily activated, and that's it, but really, i think i have my stuff down.