Hey, Finally decided to join ForgeHub. I look forward to filling your brains with awe from my maps, and getting some good Ideas from you guys. Oh, SWEET! I had no idea what these were at first. I thought this mg: was a seatbelt or something. Hahahaha-etc. but anyway, How Goes It? Well its 2:35 a.m. I better be going to... ZZzzzZZzZZzZZzZ--- No, Im just kidding! How cheesy would I be if I actually did that?
that would be very cheezy if you went to sleep, who does that anymore. "YAAAAWWWWWNNNNN" uh, ok, im fallen asleep now. havent slept in 59 days, uh oh, im landing on the keybord-pppppppppppppppppppppppppp.q welcome to forge hub, if you have any questions, feel free to message me.
Hey welcome to forgehub. Always nice to see new members. Remember to read the rules before almost anything and read the first link in my sig to know how to post a map. Finally I suggest that you click the second link in my sig and tell me what you think. See ya on Forgehub. -jelly
Lol at seatbealt. Anyways I hope you enjoy your stay at ForgeHub! Make sure you read the rules before you post! Have any Questions? Don't be afraid ask me! Once again Enjoy your stay at ForgeHub!
Welcome to Forge Hub, there are thousands of great maps out there to play on, and we would love for you to post your own. Have fun, and if you have any questions feel free to PM me ( private message ) at any time.
Really? Cheezburgerz, I want, really, ... NOW! Cheezburgerz, yeah...Cheezburgerz? HAI welcome to ForgeHub!
Welcome to Forghub! You seem very energetic, which is a good thing and I can't wait to see some of your maps! I don't get it how I posted my late introduction a day or 2 ago but no-one has commented on it...You can say your hellos to me there lol.