Ok, so how does this sound: Zombies use human brains as a food source. Without brains (or flesh) to devour they become weak. Within ten seconds of spawning the zombie's shield begins to decay at maybe -10%. In order for the zombie to be effective he must damage the humans to regain strength hence a leech setting (what %?). Damage resistance of the zombie would help compensate for constantly drowning shields (300%). They will of course be faster than the humans (200%) so they can actually do damage, but their gravity will be higher than the humans which is something you don't see much (explained later). Now with the human traits I'm a little foggy cos again this is mostly theoretical. The whole premise behind this gametype is that it be mostly hold-out Infection but with certain areas opening and weapons spawning at certain times. With that in mind, everything I think of as far as human traits either seems to polarize at way too strong or way too weak. Since it is the only thing I have truly set I'll go ahead and explain the lower gravity for humans. Naturally, I want to create the sense of survival as most Infection is and with that human shields (at 3x) will not recharge unless they find a custom powerup. The CP will recharge the human shield back to full and render them invulnerable for the short amount of time they recharge. My dilemma with this system lies in the fact that the zombies obviously can't have access to the CP but the CP can't be in a place where the zombies can't get to the general area of the CP, i.e. It can't be on top of a building that a human can get to but a zombie can't. The only other solution I can think of is to place a CP in the air in an enclosed space that humans must jump up to get but upon getting it would put them right back on the main play-field. The zombies, with higher gravity would not be able to get it. The potential problems with this method are quite obvious to anyone however in the fact that if a zombie does manage to get it through some wayward explosion or pysics bumb then you're s.o.l. for health for the next 3 minutes and you now have a super zombie to deal with. Since all other human traits will be determined through testing and such, I could mostly use help with what I stated above. Just tell me what you think of the gametype as a whole and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as well as someone flat out telling me if this has been done before. thanks.
personally, i think you could put the CP near a defending point, then if humans are idiots and dont use teamwork to defend as well as gain ammo, they lose badly
Sounds cool, but the decay happens really fast. Even if it's on 5%. If you give them four times over shileds, they still decay pretty fast. The whole idea sounds pretty cool. The leach would probably have to be like 50 or 100.
Yea currently it's 100% leech and 25% decay with the alpha and 50% and 10% decay for all others. Damage resistance has been cranked up to compensate for that though. And as far as what Moran said, as much as I'd like to just do that, I know that'd be the first (and biggest) thing everyone would ***** about. Although it is hold-out infection, new areas open up and weapons spawn which encourages shifts in defense. This in turn leaves the old area unguarded and then the zombies have that CP at their disposal... which would be bad.
Maybe have a series of platforms which are like stairs (don't float them) which the humans can reach, but zombies cannot. One jump up, and a ramp up a bit. Then at the back end, the human jumps up and out into a open space. You have to make sure that the human can't camp up there, so you could use grav lifts. You also must make sure that the ramp can't be constantly used as an escape route, so keep it away from any hold out points and put it in a backwater of the map.
As much as I like your idea the whole point is to have the CP at a holdout point so the humans can use it in last minute desperation. Should they be 3 minutes respawn or never respawn? Anyway, I may take your idea into account for something.
okay, it's your map you can do whatever you want with it. Except there is always going to be players who will just take it when they don't need it, and its very easy to get to. My version would mean there would be some kind of risk vs reward, you have to go a long way to get it. With an escape route like that, zombies can get frustrated by the sudden escape of their prey. But go with whatever you feel is best. Maybe if its in the base, have a door that opens at shuts at regular intervals. I'm no expert on switches and doors but i think that is possible. As for the respawn time, it depends on the length of the game, tell me that and i'll try help with that. It looks good. I can't remember, may have been done before, but stay with it.
True. I actually thought about that. I thought about making them available only in the areas that open up later in the game. As far as spawn times I've decided to make the ones that are easier to get to spawn less and the ones that are harder to get to spawn more using that risk vs reward ideal. i.e. an easy one would spawn every 3 minutes and a hard one every 90 seconds. The map I'm designing right now has kind of a diamond shape to it. The initial start are, a room to the left and right, and then an area that can only be accessed by those two rooms. The CP in the start would spawn every 3 minutes, the CP in the side rooms every 2 minutes and the one in the far room spawn every 90 seconds. Get where I'm going with this?
Yeah I can see it. You could also push back each CP spawn time another notch if you wanted. Again, what is the time limit you are looking at? What about zombie routes and ambush points? How do they get in, where do they spawn, is that area accessible by humans? Be sure not to keep the map all on one level, mix it up a bit. Put in a little ramp that goes up a metre or two and then back down again. Put in multiple story buildings. Have you read the Infection Guide in Forging 201? If not, go read that now.
oh yes, I read it. It was good. A lot of the revisions of my recent map were done cos of that post. As far as the individual areas, the first one has several buildings (one of them multiple story), then the two side rooms are more or less mini areas with a central building with narrow halls with weapons and such, and the last area has a massive structure that hugs the back wall with two small buildings in front of it. The zombies spawn in the middle of the diamond and can access each area as humans are able to I'll start getting previews and stuff for it posted once I finish the series in my sig. Oh and a time limit hasn't been decided yet. I'm going to base that around how long it generally takes people to die. Right now I'm thinking 6 minutes, but don't hold me to that though.
Well, I'd say put respawn time limits of CPs just a tad lower for a 6 min round. Not the 3 min one, but the others.