I am able to remove shots from my gallery, but I don't have the option to remove them from my recent screen shots. I want to remove them because the file is full. Edit: nvm figured it out. EDIT: NVM again, I was able to remove all screenshots from my x box, but it seems as if the recent screenshots are still there in my folder on the computer. Anyone have any idea why this is? Bump.
What folder on your computer? I thought pictures were saved on Bungie.net. Also, why are you trying to delete them?
Sorry I meant to say the "Recent Screenshots" on Bungie.net. And I am deleting them because I have no more room for more, and I need to take more for my new map.
...how do you think the Bnet recent screenshot feature works? Take as many screenshots as you like but on the most recent 30 will be displayed under "Recent Screenshots". If you take screenshot 31 then screen shot 1 will just be shunted off the bottom of the list. If you want to keep a screenshot you either save it to your gallery or download it, otherwise it'll stay on the Recent Screenshots conveyor belt and will drop off the end when newer screenshots are taken. (and editing your posts doesn't bump the thread)