I'm very close to finishing version 7 of my map, MLG Crescent v6, and I was wondering if you have to start a new thread, and name it "MLG Cresent v7", or if you just edit the original thread and change the title? OR, if there's another way to do it, that is not described above. Please help so I can post the new version!
In my opinion it depents on the amunt of changes made and the time between the two versions. If the Map is very different and it's been a while since you released v6, I would post a new thread. But if you just made some basic changes I would update the Thread for v6.
You could always ask a mod to delete the previous one then make a new one, just to reduce the number of threads.
but there has to be an official way to post a different version. i was kinda hopin the admin or a moderator could tell me. they'd kno more about it. and i consider v7 to have ALOT of major differences from v6. I revamped the structures, repositioned some,weapon placement's changed dramatically and i added some new designs to the mix. but it still retains the same basic layout and what not.
If there's small things like a messed up spawn point or some items are set to not spawn at start, just switch the old and new map versions in your fileshare and update the link in your thread. If there's some major changes like whole structures and the flow of gameplay, I'd consider just making a new thread and putting a link to your older thread(s) in the post.
u think id get in trouble though? im afraid even if i post the new one with all the major changes that a mod'll lock it and ill get infracted for "double-posting"...
No, you won't get infracted if you show clearly in your pics that's it's a very drastic change between v1 and v1.1/v2/whatever. If anything, change your sig to under 500x200 pixels. That's a rule you probably didn't know about.
Don't worry. As long as the two versions have some obvious differences, you'll get away with it There isn't any "official" way to post a V2. I'm not sure why, but that's just the way it is.
Obviously we don't want map creators posting many different versions like v1, v2, c3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8, etc. If there are drastic game play and visual changes done to the map I would go ahead and re-post it. However, if there is very little that is different from the original map, then I would not post it. We don't want you guys to clog the map forum up with all different versions of your map. If you're going to be working on your map again, I would wait to post it. Take what I have to say with a grain of salt, because most of the staff does see things a different way. As long as you guys are reasonable with your versions, then I don't see a problem. Cheers
What textured said. Alsoif it's minor you could edit I into the OP and post "Updated To v7" to alert people and change the thread title
thanks! finally a mod responded! i intend on v7 to be ALOT more different than v6, though. so far, it looks about the same, although there are obvious differences like instead of the bases and middle being flat, I "multi-leveled" it all, and i had to switch around weapons because shotgun, sniper, rocket, and powerup were too close too each other, NOT TO MENTION, all four on a medium-sized map = TERRIBLE gameplay, lol. and it took a couple test games to realize that. But seeing how alot of the map is blank, I intend on filling it all up, and I think v7 will almost look like a completely different map altogether.
Update your thread to Version 7 (make a big deal of it, a new version of something that you made by taking people's feedback in mind is great). Post in the thread, whether you're the one who has posted last or not, saying that you've updated it to Version 7 (aka completely following the rules). If you really want to get the point across, ask a moderator to edit your title (Although I'm not sure why you can't do that anyway). Then, compliment me on my perfect grammar (and many different uses of parentheses).
Hey, I use parenthesis all the time =p and personally for me, I never post a map until I'm completely sure I either a.)tested the **** out of it until I get no complaints or b.)I'm just ready to be done with the damn thing and post it so I can move on. I think I only ever posted the same map twice once, but the changes were major in the map (and the gametype that went with it) and the only reason I posted it again was because the changes I had made were just so much... better. Now I'm curious. I'm gonna dig around and link both of them (just for grins). EDIT: ha ha, yup I found them: [thread=89095]The Floor[/thread] and [thread=97332]The Floor v2[/thread]
Considering you are on V7 there is probably minimal difference and editing the thread would be best. If the thread has died, you can post that it is now V7 to bring it back up.