Halo Wars This is random, and I want to see how many people play Halo Wars in different ways. So, how do you fight in Halo Wars against the AI players in Skirmish? Rush: Right at the beginning of the game, start building Reactors, Supply pads, and the speciallized building for your unit. Then, start churning out that unit to quickly destroy the enemy before he's ready. This usually takes 15 minutes or less. Turtle: Build base defenses, upgrade your Turrets to protect yourself until your technology allows for powerful units. Boom: Build Supply Pads and Reactors, and try to capture another base. This is all to strengthen your economy to make powerful units. Just for fun, I drag out the game for about an hour, manufacturing dozens of one unit to overwhelm the enemy at the end. Before that, I upgrade everything and slowly take over the map, sort of like the Flood, because it's fun to play like that. Then, I crush the AI enemy at the end. So, how do you crush the Halo Wars AI? Do you rush, boom, turtle, use my stategy, or something else? Leave your feedback here, i'm trying to find out the most fun way to play Halo Wars. AND REMEMBER, I'M TALKING ABOUT THE SKIRMISH AI, WHEN YOU JUST WANT TO PLAY A GAME FOR FUN.
I prefer to sit back, make a few defense forces to protect mah bases, and then slowly upgrade everything until my master army is complete. Then I proceed to annihilate the enemy with my awesomesauce army of awesomesauce-ness. Are you talking Skirmish or Campaign, Elite?
If its an easy AI, I'll usually take my time and build up my economy first, and then just **** with them. If its a Heroic, Legendary, or even a human...I build up an army like I'm going to rush...go destroy half their base and then retreat to make the game more fun. If I'm covenant I'll usually combine banshees with hunters, and then pop out a scarab near the end (since they made them a hell of a lot more useful with the latest update.) If I'm UNSC and Anders, I'll get about 10 to 15 Gauss Hogs asap, and finish up with wolverines and Hawks. With the other UNSC leaders I'll usually build spartan scorpions in the beginning, and then finish off with the leader's super unit.
I like to play the boom strategy to rack up points for myself because thats how you level up and it looks epic. Im either anders, arbiter, profit, or forge. It depends on what the mood im in. When im arbiter of the profit I make 2 scarabs, 10 enginners, and 1 suped up leader. If im anders or forge I make their hawks or grizzlies. I like big explosions...
warthog bum rush, if that fails fall back to secondary base (this is a must) then focus on upgrading either A. Grizzly or B. Sparrow Hawk. C alternative is the Elephant. Or if i have good coop with my team mate we go with dual scarabs.
I mainly use the Tank Rush as Forge. Just build 4 Supply Pads as soon as possible, then a Reactor. By the time my Reactor is finished being constructed, I have enough money to upgrade it to an Advanced Reactor. Then I build a Vehicle Depot and another Supply Pad. I churn out two Scorpion tanks and park them right next to an enemy base while I slowly build up my army. If that doesn't work out at first, I switch to what you call a "Boom" strategy and finish up from there with Grizzlies =D
I always go covenant, arbiter. If they're using heavy wraiths/shielded bases - Suicide grunts If they're using light armour/grunts and jackals - Heavy Wraiths If they're using heavy infantry - Hunters When I capture a base - Max Shield Generators combined with maxed out turrets depending on their army. If they use a combination of various attacks, I build up a master army. When they have large amounts of weak units (e.g. lots of ODSTs) I use arbiter. When they have small amounts of heavy units, I use arbiter. Arbiter is very effective against banshees and brutes. Has anyone noticed - Covenant Leader Powers totally own air units? On rare occasions I put almost all bases as max supplies, lock one down with the right buildings and build a master army, which I unleash once my enemy starts attacking.
How the hell does that work Hunters=Anti Vehicle You should use jackals Jackals=Anti Infantry JAckals vs Infantry= Win
Dual scarab rush, upgrade my arbiter all the way. This usually takes about 10 minutes. Then I rush the enemy base with mah 2 scarabs, while claiming all the other bases with Arby and then shield/upgrade all my new supply pads. So if somehow my scarabs get destroyed, I have like 7 other bases to start my next scarab. Then I just pwning with my dual sword Arby never fails
yOU mean anti vehicle? The last time I had hunters I played against a person with odsts. My hunters were all the way upgraded and my hunters got destroyed. So I dont know where we got the information that hunters kill infantry. I also like to make duel scarabs
I tell my teammates to go waste their supplies by covering me while I advance in every field of combat possible. Im such a thoughtful teammate.
Start with a temple, then the rest of the slots on main base warehouses. Take over 2nd base, shield gen + warehouses. Take 3rd. Repeat above. Make massive Suicide Grunt Army with ONE Scarab after Arbiter is fully upgraded. CHAAAARRRRRGGGGEEEE.
I don't play Halo Wars often but when I do I only play 1 or 2 games cuz I just sit around and upgrade everything then rush an pwn.
I'll start off with one base using reactors and supply pads only. Then i build turrets and send two or three Warthogs over to a non occupied base and convert that into my military one (Barracks, Air Pad, Vehicle Depot) with four other supply pads. I build four turrets at that base too, then create some anti units to reinforce my bases. After that I upgrade everything, I create some units and use them to completely eradicate the enemy while spawning new units for everyone killed with my now +1000000 resources.