A simple question that has arisen in my list of interests. This is because I see such varied titles on these forums, and I find difficulty discovering why maps are named such things. Therefore, I ask again, how do you name your maps? I will probably explain my "technique" once I get some more rest.
When I was making my first 1v1s, I chose to give them names that sounded rather paganic. Namely due to the fact they looked like sacrifical chambers, Hense I stuck to names like Sacrement, Sacrfice and Tribute. When I made Dystopia, I named it due to the rusted apperance. So I would guess that I namr my maos based on appearence. In the case of the remake Im working on, I just pluged in the name Danger Canyon into a translator to get a latin name. So I suppose you can use names in a different language .
I look for words that describe the map and or its theme or layout then I hop onto google and thesaurus the **** out of those words until something cool comes up. Easy.
My first Halo 4 map that I went through with finding good and releasing was Jade. Named this because it was inspired from Firebase jade from one of teh Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer maps. Opal came second, and was named this because I wnted the two released together as sister maps, and so each adopted a gem-based name. I have hence decided that all of my 2v2 maps will be gemstones. The work in progress follows this trend, as have various others I've stopped working on (Ruby, topaz, sapphire, citrine,etc. were all once projects of mine). I've dabbled in some 4v4/5v5 stuff, and these take on no trend. An older map I made to test out a design was call wreathwood thaks to the trees and circular design. My work in progress that takes over for Wreathwood is currently called lament (because the map has been going through a lot of changes and it's rather painful to make emotionally with this third rebuild). Of course, if I went by the time and rebuilds, every one of my maps would be called Lament, but that's not really too smart.
I try and name mine something that no other map has been called before, so they're often unusual or extremely short names. For example, I don't believe Core has ever been chosen as a name, before. I'm currently working on another map with a short name, but I won't reveal details just yet in case someone steals it! And of course, all names must be related to the map in some way.
Sometimes you name the map after your work is finished, then you can give it a name that is logical to the theme. Say.. You have build a sewage map, and the atmosphere is really dark.. greasy, dirty. Then you can name it The Deathly Drains or Rupture, something like that. Just to give a example on that subject though. But you can also start to design a map, with one word or more words in mind. Then you design the map around the word, you have the word in mind, "Lighter" for example, you make sure your map looks pleasing to the eye and applies to the theme your word(s) is implying. You can always ask me, and I guess a lot of people here for help on a name for your map. There are lots of ways! But sometimes, as I do mostly, you just take some time to think very hard and come up with a name, and mostly that just works too. And, it is more creative and nice to give a name to your work yourself.
I strive to make my map names using the following criteria... 1. single word 2. implying battle or death 3. supporting the theme of the map but often I deviate. Aiea was a Hawaiian word for a 4v4 map. Superstition was a name that invoked the theme of the Superstition mountains in northern US. Deep Scream 9 was more than one word, but tied deep space, Anchor 9, horror, and death together pretty well. But I think that the biggest factor really is I ask myself, if my map gets into MM, would I be happy with people saying, "vote for..."? Would I be happy hearing the name of my map?
GUAPO MAP I guess I should say more than that, huh... I don't have any certain technique that I use for naming each map. I just kind of go with whatever first pops into my head that sounds most interesting and is somewhat related to the map. However, I recently noticed all of my completed maps in Halo 4 start with the letter "C," so I may keep going with that, we'll c.
lol@dax. I think phrases or single words are fine, I avoid numbers (no originality..) and try to relate the environment given off by the map to the name (ex: HeH). Shorter isn't necessarily better, but there is definitely a point at which names get too long. Like that map Auburn made with the obnoxiously long cloud related name.
I tend to do a lot of the things previously mentioned, plus two more that I always try to go for when naming a map: 1) Name it in such a way that it sounds different than other maps, whether they're made by myself or other people. 2) Name it in such a way that it will show up as one of the first results when looking it up on e.g. Google. I failed on that one with Favela Run though, but that's due to its relative low amount of publicity. (And because I just really liked the simplistic but cool sound of "Favela Run" anyway.) And obviously, going for a catchy name is a must.
I agree with the idea that the map name should have something to do with either the theme (Clung, Performance) or an original mechanic (Cavity). I can accept names out of a map series (Utopia-Dystopia, Jade-LapisLazuli), but common words (Station, Facility, Base), Latin words (Audax), irrelevant words (Element, Origins), and everything else in-between get on my nerves.
Personal preferences, my man. Everyone's different when it comes to viable map names. I believe the phrase "To each his own" fits well here.
The Day The Bird Of Paradise Looked Down Trough A Crack In The Cloud And Shed A Tear; best map name. ever. I generally name my designs after a woman they happen to remind me of, or after the song I'm listening to at the time of its completion, or after the title of an episode of a television show that I just finished watching, or after the food I just finished eating, or after the first word that shows up when I search "cool sounding word" in Google, or after Dax, or basketcake.
Mine usually don't have anything to do with halo, or the map lol. Imperial Crest, Acacia, and Arbor Pointe were all names of apartment complexes in my city, which is called Odessa, lol. I took Ephasus, Cyrus, & Gaza from the Bible. Then Distance & Airialis were random. Wishbone was the only map named after the theme and that was named by Deathtoll77 cuz it was his idea.
I named my H3 mps after the theme of the map, some also in another language if it fit, "Friedhoff" means graveyard in german and was an infection map. Reach maps were nmed after fruits and colored accordingly "Pommegranate" was one, now my H4 maps are seeming to go to multi word themed titles "Throne of Rats" or something like that.
Pick a random word out of the dictionary. It seems like that's what most people do. Srs tho I try to pick something that comes close to the map. My map cauldron from reach (sucked ) But featured a giant pit that I named the map after.