I have heard that you can make a truck spawn and form into a vehicle. I tried it but the vehicle would not move. I tried it on a warthog and a mongoose. Please help me!!!:irritated:
No....maybe. I dunno what he's talking about. I thought he wanted to drive a Truck, but then he talked about a mongoose n warthog.
I'm pretty sure hes saying he tried to interlock a warthog/mongoose into a truck and drive the warthog mongoose while it was inside the truck. No you cant do that.
lol those would be sweet to try and kill people with, id just sit on back and noscope while my friend splatters newbs
But then you couldnt drive the thing if teleporters were on it. I think it's possible, if we put are brains into it. I mean we didnt think merging movable objects into map geometry was possible..... until today.
yah, but this is driving, like getting into an object, and moving it around we are talking about driving a vehicle around, that is just meant to be an object, its like driving a crate people, its not gonna happen
Lol. True. But we could aways just stack it on a wraith or something. LOL! Look! it's an actual driving truck. Oh wait, never mind, it's just on a wraith.
no thats the trick you can drive through teles with warthogs and such but movables are held down permanently
Trucks have too much mass to effectively be moved by a vehicle except perhaps a scorpion or an elephant. GL getting them on foundry.