Well, my personal test is the Kappy Test of Engagement. I will play the game, and if I notice that I need to go to the bathroom and consciously follow that impulse, it fails the test. Half life 2 failed the test for me. If I hold it for 2-8 hours, it passes and earns the Kapura Seal o' Approval in my book. Games such as this are Bioshock, COD4, Halo, GH, Portal, Mass Effect, any Zelda game, UR Mr Gay, Metroid Prime, and Gears of War campaign. But how about you all. How do you determine if the game is good or if you just blew $60?
Is it better than my current favorite video game? Yes = throw my old one on a stack and keep the new one in the Xbox (Or Nintendo DS) until I get another yes No = goes directly to stack Like it about the same (CoD4 is only slightly worse than Halo) = Switch on and off. When I sit down at my XBox or Wii, I'm really only playing Halo and Call of Duty. And I own Orange Box, Mass Effect, Super Mario Galaxy, Blazing Angels, Kameo, Call of Duty 3, and several other big games...but I don't really play those. If BioWare (Mass Effect's team's) writers/plot dvelopers got toghether with Bungie's game designers and Infinity Ward's graphic designers (and some game designers), I think we'd have the perfect game.
Usually it takes me a week to know. If i instantly get bored and go back to halo after a few days, then i know it sucks. if i keep playing it for more than a week, then i know its a good game.
I determine that a game is good by checking the title. If it is not named Bioshock, Mass Effect, Mario Galaxy, or Call of Duty 4 then it is probably at least worth trying.
The way the story is told, thru the gameplay and the enviroment, instead of thru cutscenes, i think its pretty awesome. More involving if u can get into it.
My test is if i forget to study for mid terms playing it... At least i knew most of the material... :squirrel_wink:
If I have can play a full day without losing intrest. Only 3 games have done this: Roller Coaster Tycoon 1, Halo 2, Team Fortress 2
I second the roller coaster tycoon and halo 2, but what about halo 3 and age of empires? man, i could play those forever.
I judge them on my skill of awesomeness. First step is getting good reviews. Then I spend what little money I have on it. Step 2 is if I can play it for at least an hour. Some parts in HL2 failed this. Others did. Step 3 is I feel satisfied after beating it. After beating H3, I wasn't completely satisfied. After beating Roller Coaster Tycoon on one level, I was so happy. Pokemon was fun too.
Ok, for a game to be considered "Good" by me, it has to meet a certain amount of criteria depending on the genre said game is in. FPS: Control Layout: If I pick up an FPS game, the only settings I expect to change for controls are Y Inversion and Sensitivity. Halo (all of them) Goldeneye and COD4 rank high here. Gameplay: I want the AI to be smart enough to actually make me think about the right way to tackle the current situation. If I can just go in guns blazing and wtfpwn every enemy on that level it quickly gets boring. Also, level design can be repetitive but each area has to have some sort of twist to make it different, such as different approaches to the goal. Story: As long as it is not set in WWII. Seriously Graphics: I really dont care what the games look like, as long as they play well. Heck, I still boot up Goldeneye on my N64 for crying out loud and play DOOM on my PSP every once and a while. RPG Story: Any RPG I play has to have a story that is AT LEAST slightly coherant and lasts me AT LEAST 30 hours before I either complete the game (I try to complete 100%). Gameplay/Battle Mode: I perfer the old skool ATB system in FFVII or grid based like FF Tactics or Front Mission 3, but any works as long as it isnt just button mashing. Gameplay/Non Battle: Needs a HUGE assortment of customization options like equipment, spells, parts (as in games like Front Mission 3) and stuff. I want to be able to play using the style I perfer. Oblivion ranks high here. Strategy Gameplay: Can be either turn or real time, as long as you can spam units like in SupCom, its a great game, but the combat system for it feels too much like rock/papaer/scissors. Dawn of War: Dark Crusade and Galactic Civilizations 2 rank high here. Resources: Not needing to micromanage harvesters is always a plus. I didnt mind it as much in CnC: Zero Hour but yeah, still annoying. Control Points/Taxes appeal to me the most so you actually have to move and not just turtle. That being said, it has to hold my attention for more than a couple of days before I get bored of it. Halo 3 with its Forge, Armored Core with its customization, and Front Mission 3 with its two distinct story arcs held me for months. Oh, and I loved Metal Gear Solid too...
I have to say i go by these guidlines also, but i have never really thought about them all as a checklist. games that have rated highest for me: H2, H3, COD4, Age of Empires, WOW of course, Gears, oblivion, and most splinter cell games. Assasin's Creed was fun for a while but got boring, so I would say this one is a renter.