Does anyone know how to use the Platform Forge piece and the Forge Down-To-Up Piece? They reside under the Interactive>Target menu, however, unlike the ramps, they do not have a clear cut way to make them activate. On Eden, both these pieces are present and have targets attached to them, however, those targets arent present in forge. They will just play their set animations and stay in one position, I assume, wating to be interacted with, but I can't figure out how. They also don't seem to respond to "Animation Loop" scripting, but I could have just wired it up wrong.
I believe you need to attach a script to them, if you are talking about the little movable cover pieces on Eden and Fathom.
Just got this reply from Tom French, head of the FORGE team at 343, when I asked him about the interactive platforms. It's a bug. They're gonna fix it.