I'm having a bit of trouble with making sure the weapons I place on my map stay put until picked up. The main problem is that I have placed the rockets in a room filled with explosives, and every time the coils blow up, the rockets move around, sometimes flying out of the room, which I don't want them to do. Objects generally stayed where they were placed in H3, and if they didn't, it was an easy fix by placing it on a weapon holder, an object that isn't in Reach. And making the weapon fixed completely messes up its spawning. So what do I do? How do I make sure my weapons stay where they are and don't react to explosions?
Using either phased or fixed should make it work, since you said it doesn't, you'll just have to play around with it.
this may be a little unnesisarily annoying, but you could put walls barely sticking out of the floor around the weapon, like what some people have done with hogs to make them immovable. Example:http://www.forgehub.com/forum/featured-halo-maps/104018-flag-frenzy.html (the last pic)
I have made maps with weapons set to FIXED, and me and ALL my friends are still able to pick them up ...they DO NOT move at all
Problem is, when you put them down (switch them for another weapon or die) they stay fixed. So every time someone dies, a weapon floats in the air where they were. The weapon can then be jumped on and block paths and just get in the way.