I found a Shock Theta map at Bungie.net "H3 Foundation" after i find him and he helped me to undertand the Forge tricks. He told me about Forgehub, it was around 2 weeks ago. Shock T. is a nice guy! He is in my Friendlist, and I hope he stays there... im a not a pro (yet) but i feels im a part of the Forge community!!! :squirrel_grouphug: i waiting when i can able(after 100post :squirrel_rant: ) to post two of my maps.. one witch i made without forgetricks(but the people still sending congrats.), and the other what im still working(thats a huge work)!
i did NOT find out about this from bungie.net, even though i was an avid visitor to that site... i met asper and AZN in a random matchmaking game, and AZN just kept going ON and ON and ON about "all my custom games, look at my custom games, i've played a bazillion custom games" and and then we played some custom games, and that was the start of something fantastic... now i have lots of maps to entertain friends with when i have my system link parties... yup, randomness is great
i found it when there was an article on bungie.net with a link to here. i hink it was like best forged map of the year or something.
If I hear one more person say they found out from Bungie, I'll wear tight pants for the rest of the week. Good thing is that tight pants are in style and I only have tight pants so... :squirrel_grouphug:
It was a topic on Bungie, I saw that. Then I went and learned a couple tricks from the 101 section. A couple weeks later I decided I would join.
Way back in early december I was looking around some halo 3 sites, and eventually I found a link to Forge Hub, so I decided to join.
it was front page on Bungie.net. it said 10 greatest maps of 2007. I checked it out and loved how organized it was. it was actually a site where forgers knew what the were talking about lol.
I was thinking that bungie had cool maps on the favorits but instead i tryed a site i never seen on here so i looked and found this sweet place... :squirrel_wtf: