a friend told me there was a site just for forgers but he couldnt remember the name. so i spent 4 days searching the web until i found it. i showed him the page and he said that this was it. so im here now. this is a good forge site. its better than bungie.
I followed a link from either the Normandy or Cell block map I think, when it was the non-forum version.
I found TrueDarkFusion's Vertigo map on the community files spotlight and there was a link to forgehub there.
You know, looking up info on Forge and came across this site. Its great how you find cool things by mistake.
I was looking at Trick's map, clicked the link, and saw the Worldpress blog. I left. Then when it said on B.net that there was a new site for it, I came right over.
I don't think that they ever featured Necro Falls, but they have featured the site three times so far.
I actually found it by mistake. I searched up Coilgun {im building a big one} and tis was the first site that came up :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_jaffa: don't know how or why, but Im glad I ran into tis site {TDF isnt though[jk]}