how can i get overshields and camos stuck in boxes?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by FeaRxUnLeAsHeD, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    FeaRxUnLeAsHeD Ancient
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    like literally in the boxes, they have maps that made and the camos and stuff are in the boxes to represent what base it is such as blue base (camo) and red base (overshield) and they had the overshield in the box and you werent able to grab it. how do you do this?
  2. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    you do it by interlocking it into the box or wall. just make sure its in enough so you cant take it
  3. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    1. Get the box (or whatever you want to interlock the power-up into). Press X and set "Place at Start" to No.
    2. Then set the respawn time on that box (or whatever you want to interlock the power-up into) to about 45 or 60 seconds.
    3. Start a new round and go to where that box is. It shouldn't be there. You have whatever time you set to place your power-up.
    4. Now, you must float the power-up (save-and-quit) so that some of it is sticking out, but not a lot when the box returns.
    5. Once you have it floated (you obviously quit and re-started the game), wait until the box spawns, then if it is merged in correctly, go up to it, if you pick it up, do this process over. If you don't pick it up, you did it correctly.

    I have never done this in my life, these directions came straight off my head, I hope they work or I just made myself look like an idiot.
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    You can S&Q it in the air, then interlock a box into it, like Rejecting said.
  5. phantom1107

    phantom1107 Ancient
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    Well, you must use the interlocking objects trick to get them in there, but it will take you a few tries to get it right. The centre of it has to be IN the wall, so that you cannot pick it up. (You can use tleporters as well for green, and custom powerups for yellow.) Hers a link to the interlocking objects for you.

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