The game type is floor is lava and the map is DD Booth (stands for dumpster dodge with booth which means it's the version with a spectator booth) : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share It is an infection game type. The alpha zombie is super fast, invulnerable, instant kill, but super heavy, secondary zombies die easy but are also super fast with instant kill. The humans spawn on a suspended platform that the zombies cannot reach. The goal of the human is to remain on the platform so as to avoid the zombies. However there are man cannons scattered throughout the level that periodically launch a slew of dumpsters at the platform. If the dumpsters kill the humans they respawn on the ground and must try to get back on the platform before they are killed. Oh and as for the spectator booth, there is a 1/19 chance that a human will spawn inside a booth overlooking the platform where they can watch the carnage unfold... they are safe for a while but after a while grav lifts spawn allowing zombies to jump up and slash them. Download it and tell me what you think or send me a message if you'd play it with me and give me advice. GT Radioheadredg
i direct you HERE i understand you don't know about posting requirments. this group will; help, but in short, you need pictures of your map. this group will explain how to properly post maps nad any other questions, just ask.
Ok since theres no pics i have to go off what you say... but so far this sounds really genaric... so many people do this, and its also prob on foundry, wich totally turns me off... Just wanna say this... I WILL NEVER DL A FOUNDRY INFECTION MAP EVER AGAIN! foundry just isn't a good infect level... I dont know for sure tho, since i cant play and theres no pics... so get upto standards... [GRRRR] This is what pisses me off most, why cant you read the rules before posting!!! Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hence the[GRRRR] in the other paragraph... :]