Map Name: Housing Facility Size: Large Players: 6 to 12 Primary Game Types: Slayer and CTF Download the preview map: File Browser Halo Official Site (Does support use in custom games but is incomplete) So this is my next project. I completed the prototype some months ago as a way to sharpen my forge skills but since Halo 4 is coming out soon I thought what the heck I'll perfect what I got and when Halo 4 comes around I'll start some new stuff. Anyway Enjoy some pics from the prototype or even download it. It has spawning and weapons placed. If you got some suggestions please let me know. I love constructive criticism. I will be going through this again and adding some features and fixing some stupidity of my early learning phase. Anyway enjoy! Inside the Center Structure Underneath it all Please note the back of the buildings Thanks for looking, Sinogard