House Works Map created by APOLLO609 Download Map Download Gametype Description: In the Year 1943, The Germans created a top secret facility known as the Heinkegkel Project. It was abondoned after the war. In 2009 a careless group of Africans accidentally came across the base. They began to explore the complex. One of the Africans was pressing buttons. One button he pressed released an airborne Mutagene. All six Africans were mutated into monsters. They were locked in. The year is now 2306. Five days ago 20 Marines from the Allied States Of America came across this complex. After the first 5 minutes contact was lost. The mere fact that Zombies come in but humans can't get out is just scary. I worked on this for a while and decided to add such a feature. Allowing Zombies to enter but keeping the humans out is key when theres a smart group of humans. Keeping the humans contained in small rooms also makes it easier for the Zombies. The map took 6 and a half hours to make. Some of the features include: Containment Interlocking Tunnels Low Ammo Much Cover Three ways in Zero ways out Teleports Human Weapons and hopefully a good game. I mostly created the map myself, but I did have a little help. "cmdr31op" helped out with minor tweaks and changes. "littlesibber" Madchicken" and "OblivionStriker" all inspired me. My map idea came from Coolants's map "Vents". Largest Room Smallest Room Hallway Large Upper Room Out side veiw of the commplex
You can edit your post. By the way your racing map the bowl is just you editing The Cyclone racing map by WaterBoy72. Even if you edit it it can still not be your map if you took most of his map.