Originally a smudge sig, I turned it into a splatter one instead. CnC after my two months absence from G&A.
welcome back but theres a new rule here, you arent allowed to post a sig simply for CnC.. its probably alright though since its sorta seeing how you are after getting back after a while. i like it alot except that i can see checkers...... am i supposed to see that? cant really think of what to do better since it doesnt look like anything is cut off at all. good job. how do you splatter?
What makes you think I can die? Anyway, I suppose it would be fairly plain, i'm getting artist block and I can't think of anything to do anymore. It's just a hide all mask with a splatter brush to show parts of the original stock. And when the **** was this new rule implemented?
since smeagle started spamming CnC threads and then someone made a universal CnC thread. it works well, but sometimes you get ignored. haha
Yeah, and you are supposed to see parts of the checkers, I toned down the opacity a little bit just so it wasn't just bland House. Who the **** is Smeagle?
The splatters look extremely lo-def. And the white in his hair looks really bad too. Good idea though... EDIT: Move the text up and to the right, and make it smaller.
It's not white brushing, it's erasures because the original splatter didn't fit into the canvas. So in turn, to keep the splatter natural, I used a splatter eraser. Anyway, I suppose the splatter is low-def, and by that I think you mean there are no effects. But I didn't want it to look like it was floating with the shadow, the glow looks weird, both in and out and i'm certainly not bevel and embossing it. The text though, if I move it up and to the right would be over his face. Unless you just want the .psd to do it yourself. btw: Stop changing your ****ing name. It's hard as **** to keep track of who's who over here. I thought smeagle was some ******, then realized it was you .core or platinmulynx or whatever your name has been for the past two months.