Hourglass V1.5 [Updated]

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Rhys J Mitchell, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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    HOURGLASS v1.5
    Created by RJM619

    Supported Gametypes:
    Especially designed for new gametype Conflict v1.1.

    Also supports Conquest, Land Grab, Oddball, & Team Slayer.

    Conflict is a variation of Conquest, but instead of simple back-and-forth action, the game emphaises multiple access points to each territory. Conflict maps have a 'Central Hub' with a greater number of entrances (other Territories have only 2) but also a power weapon. Controlling this central hub will be difficult, but its occupation gives a great advantage for taking over the rest of the map.

    The gametype is vaugely MLG-esque; BR starts, no Radar, but with no grenade starts (to prevent spamming), increased health & decreased speed. Like Conquest, there are 3 rounds of 3 minutes.

    Oh, and the official colours of Conflict are Pink & Yellow. =]

    DISCLAIMER: I asked the creator of Conquest for his permission to use his gametype as a basis for my own

    Map Description

    The map is flowing, close-combat, & enclosed, with 5 territories. 4 of the territories have only 2 access points, while the central hub has 4; controlling this hub is difficult, but gives you greater command of the other territories. Outside of the starting points, all territories are connecting, emphasising constant combat.

    The map is based on an hourglass shape:


    The actual map has a roof and is inescapable.

    Each team begins in a corridor at either ends of the map. This is the only place outside of a territory. There is a shotgun in front of the spawn point for the leader of each team.


    One corridor leading to the central hub. Unlike Conquest, players spawn with a BR to emphasise highly-competitive play, but without grenades to prevent spamming.


    The cental territory:


    This central hub has 4 points of access; the others have only 2. Controlling this cental hub gives your team a large advantage, and access to the Needler above, which spawns after 2 minutes.


    Due to popular request, here is a display of all the weapons on the map:


    Weapon Notes:

    All weapons except the Shotguns and Needler are available at the beginning of the game, have a 1min respawn time, and the guns have only one spare clip.

    There are few grenades on this map to prevent spamming in the close-combat area. Using the Conflict gametype, players spawn with no grenades.

    However, the Shotguns have 0 spare clips; so use them wisely. They also have a 3min respawn time, so in Conflict/Conquest gametypes, they can only be used once per round.

    The Needler appears 90s into the game in the central hub, to gve players an extra incentive to try and control this area. It has 1 spare clip.

    The map also shows where the territory flags are, and where Team 1 & Team 2 begin each round.


    This is hopefully the first of a number of maps for this new gametype, designed as an alternative to Conquest.

    This is after the creator of Conquest lamented how most Conquest maps aren't actually Conquest maps. The gametype also works with my other map; Nucleus.

    Anyways, I hope you enjoy, and as always, feedback is muchos appreciated.

    Download Hourglass v1.5
    Download Conflict v1.1
    #1 Rhys J Mitchell, Jul 1, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
  2. iTz Me

    iTz Me Ancient
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    Looks great I love the shape of it also.
  3. Pwner Trainie

    Pwner Trainie Ancient
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    looks like a good CQB map
  4. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    this is a great map good design and a new game type sounds great nice work
  5. bluepenguin23

    bluepenguin23 Ancient
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    very nice! it actually looks like a hour glass! i like the windows you put in there! it provides you cover, but you can still shot! nice job!
  6. mitona

    mitona Ancient
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    2vs2 on this was a blast. i highly recommend a territories/ctf game type. 9/10
  7. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    A nice and well organized post.

    The map itself seems very well made. It looks sort of small which isn't a bad thing, but how many players would you reccommend. Also, a weapons list would be great. As for the shotgun that might be a little powerful. This map seems like it is more close quarters than more open. Do you have it on a long respawn, less clips, ect. If a team happened to get both shotguns they will probobly be able to dominate, especially with no radar and a BR as their other weapon.

    All in all a pretty good map. Nice use of scenery and I havn't seen this sort of design in a map before. Nice use of Conquest but even better for tweaking it with your own ideas and producing this map off of it.

    I would download it but unfortunately, I can't link my gamertag. Most of my views have been from your screenshots and some from your descriptions. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  8. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
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    This looks pretty close to an hourglass, but I was expecting something aesthetic. It looks really small though, so I don't think more than 6 players would be good. Also, it is very claustrophobic, which while fitting the personality of an hourglass, does not fit mine :), I would rather play a map where I can jump around and stuff like that. Lastly, the people playing might not be able to make out the fact that it is an hourglass, because they are inside. "You can't tell what you're in from the inside, unless you've seen it from the outside" -Zowabashi. I know most of the Kennedy's had quotes of great importance and hard to understand (a little off topic now), so I am saying that unless someone were to see it from the outside, they might not understand the structure, and think it is plain or dumb.

    5/5 anyways, because it is still a great map, and the problems I picked out were of personal taste.
  9. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    this is a sweat map i like how much work you put in to it and also i am glad you put that it does have a roof or you could get out and then people will moan at you which gets me angry.
  10. Jakattak418

    Jakattak418 Ancient
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    very nice i like the idea and it looks well exicuted nice job it does seem like there would be alot of combat so ya nice job
  11. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    ok, so its enclosed. thats better, looks interesting
  12. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    this looks very nice and small. the gameplay will be intense but i would like to know about weapon placements as someone already mentioned. the amount of ammo is very important as well. Another thing that could make or break this map are the spawn points. how long does it take to respawn? won't people be respawning too close to territories making it very hard to take over? or is that the point?
  13. V

    V Ancient
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    This is a sweet map! It reminds me of tunnel raid but its constructed much better. One thing I will say is the map almost has two giant sightlines that run through both sides of the hourglass. Maybe you should include a sniper at each team's starting point so teams could provide support for their players attempting to capture the middle territory or maybe a sniper in the middle that spawns after x seconds for the team controlling the middle to allow someone to fa;ll back and defend the middle territory against unsuspecting opponents. Just my two cents.
  14. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    i have to say this is a very creative shape, this looks like its plays very well for conquest, good job.
  15. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
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    It is nice, but doesn't seem to be a lot of work involved so it's small. It is good for a 3v3 or smaller, but there should be more to it. 4/5
  16. killer 1251

    killer 1251 Ancient
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    looks pretty cool
  17. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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    UPDATE 1:

    Thanks for all your feedback! It has been very useful!​

    I've just posted updated versions of the map and gametype, with the following changes:​

    There are fewer weapons & grenades on the map (I'll post a weapons list shortly); all of them have 1 minute respawn times and only 1 spare clip, with the exception of the Shotgun: This has only 6 shots, and respawns after 3 minutes. So, in a game of Conflict or Conquest, it will not respawn within the round, but in a TS game, it will.​

    Further, equiptment has been removed; the map is too small to warrant it.​

    Conflict has been altered; with 10s respawns (the same as MLG).​

    UPDATE 2:

    Due to popular request, a picture displaying all weapons and their locations has been added. Ask and you shall recieve!
  18. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    I like the shape of the map, but there seems to be no actual terrain and just straight paths. Still is a great map though.
  19. CPV18

    CPV18 Ancient
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    This is a very fun map. Kudo's to you. I would like to see a second floor though.
  20. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks good, its verry differant shape, and looks nicely done, but i feel thers too many weapons on a small map but still looks fun

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